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Comment Re:Restates theory of evolution by natural selecti (Score 2) 112

Applied to "atoms, minerals, planetary atmospheres, planets, stars and more," it is mystic pseudoscience.

To my untrained ear, it sounds a lot like the awestruck pontificating and hand-waving that Stephen Wolfram poured into his doorstopper book on cellular automata, which he had the nerve to title A New Kind of Science.

Comment Re:The MSFT server platforms are on life support (Score 1) 141

A lot of these systems are underpinned by SQL Server, which does run on Linux

SQL Server 2022 does indeed run on Red Hat, Suse, and Ubuntu. And you can get instances in the cloud, too, from both Microsoft and Google.

but a large number of the ones I've supported require a Windows instance too, the database server is only part of it.

What do you mean by "require a Windows instance"? If that other component is something like an Access frontend, that's running on a desktop.

There are just shrinkingly few use cases that require Windows Server. It used to be things like Active Directory and remote device management that locked you into Server, but this stuff has pretty much already moved into the cloud. And if you're using some proprietary Microsoft service as a cloud instance, you don't care if it's actually running on an OS called WIndows Server or not.

Comment Re:Yikes, some "journalist" is out of date (Score 1) 141

Also they have a total and complete grip on the desktop and office software to the point where they have zero fear of losing it. Desktop linux is just never going to happen, and Chromebooks are locked into schools and just used as content consumption devices and maybe test taking.

Office very much has a competitor: Google Worsspace (Docs, Sheets, etc). It's been my primary daily tool for at least my last three jobs. Any number of other business tools are also available as SaaS. And yes, for the most part you can use them on a Chromebook.

Comment Re:Parasites (Score 1) 31

This feels like a good moment to remind people that the vast majority of American taxpayers have simple W-2 only returns they can file themselves without assistance from these parasites.

I've had good luck using FreeTaxUSA, even though I usually need a few extra forms. Filing the federal return is literally free, and a state return is $14.95.

Comment Re:government shutdown stoppage vote may not happe (Score 1) 386

They had the means and the readiness to jump into the power and economic vacuum and they are more or less controlling Russia through Putin too.

Nah. The oligarchs continue to exist mainly through Putin's largesse. With supreme power and the FSB at his disposal, he can seize their assets at any time.

Comment Re:Because they've got record profits (Score 1) 73

There are fewer and fewer software companies to work for because, well, there are just fewer and fewer companies period.

You're dividing the software development market into Apple and Microsoft? So no developers work at Google, Facebook, Amazon, IBM, Oracle, Intel, Adobe, Salesforce, Hewlett-Packard, Intuit, VMware, Symantec, CA Technologies, Citrix, Cisco, or any of the other giants—and within those giants, various teams—not to mention none work at any of the estimated 33 million small businesses operating in the US?

Nowhere for a software developer to go, in fact, nearly no companies at all. What an absurd and asinine statement. You really shouldn't eat every mushroom you find in the woods.

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