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Comment Re:oh really? (Score 5, Insightful) 126

We really have to understand why that happens.

The carbon cartel could not be doing the damage they are in terms of delaying our response without millions of useful idiots.

Why people make rejection of information which has very strong factual basis a part of their identity is a significantly important thing to understand.

There are people being elected who are objectively fucking morons, and they are getting elected.

This in turn delays actions on all manner of important issues. Things that are far, far more important than drag shows.

And yet here we are.

Comment also people with power (Score 1) 150

Who are positive their wealth will insulate them from the troubles.

And for a while it surely will.

So we let them continue to destroy the planet, socializing the losses and privatizing the profits.

Meanwhile everyone on slashdot, as far as I can tell, is mad because Biden wants to forgive student loans.

Forgiving loans : bad! moral hazard ! it's the end of society !
Companies and billionaires destroying the planet : don't regulate them ! capitalism ! Freedom !

Comment RFK had some wise words on this subject (Score 4, Insightful) 202

Yet the gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country, it measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile. And it can tell us everything about America except why we are proud that we are Americans.

His speech

is well worth reading.

It cannot be overstated how our productivity and work ethic has boosted the 0.1% for the last 40 years, and will continue to do so.

I don't expect anything to change. The propaganda machine, which Root is a part of, is relentless, well funded and won't let up for a second.

If only the proles were as devoted to stopping that machine.

Comment suspend for my AMD system works great (Score 4, Informative) 23

i just about fell out of my chair.

Suspend has never worked well for me on desktop systems in linux

am650 asus board, ryzen 7 and a Radeon video card.

No problems at all.

Hilariously if i don't do "xset -dpms" and let it sit there, the video goes away (doesn't crash) and I can't get it back.

So suspend works great but suspending the display is busted.

Comment Re:freedom from responsibilty (Score 2) 48

sorry, you actually should be blocked from watching videos about making pipe bombs.

The point being it doesn't have to be that overt.

there's a big difference between you finding the CT videos that you want to see and youtube funneling large numbers of related videos directly to you and making money from it.

i use that word responsibility again, and it DOES mean what I think it means.

if this puts a dent in their business model because they have to stop doing that or losing lawsuits, tough shit.

Comment freedom from responsibilty (Score 2, Insightful) 48

Here we go again.

if posts videos calling for violence and showing you how to commit said violence, let's say pipe bomb building videos, AND IS MAKING MONEY FROM IT, it's ok because "free speech".

youtube is not only allowing videos that are subtly and not-so-subtly calling for violence, but they are also MAKING MONEY FROM IT. The level of fucked up CT related videos I see in youtube, without even having searched for anything, is amazing. youtube is a cesspool.

Not only that but they are directing people to said videos because they like other videos of a similar nature.

But no, youtube/Google, should be completely free of any responsibility in the matter because "free speech".

fuck that.

Comment a customer? (Score 1, Insightful) 94

How can you need "a customer" for fusion power ?

if it works you'll have more customers than you can possibly handle.

also, you don't need a customer to keep you grounded, you need a CEO who's not an idiot.

the end goal of "power generation, and cheaply" is the motivation in and of itself.

doesn't even need to be "cheap" just competitive.

this all sounds very weird. why is that i think there's a bunch of c-level types hiding in the corners who are making money on this deal in some barely legal way.

Comment Re:i have to admit this is might be legit (Score 1) 57

haha. that is a good point.
AIs are not people too !

my point about the 1000 AIs in parallel was that me and my 1000 friends can't read a book AT THE SAME TIME.

but the AI can. So it seems to me that if you running the ML in learn mode and it's got 1000 parallel versions using the same material then they really should have paid for 1000 copies.

anyway. ML is now big business, companies that create content for learning are now f*cked because the ML cartel will just trample copyright and none of these publishers will be able to get any traction with lawsuits because money always wins. The ML systems will now spit out the answers you would have gotten from a book, because these systems will be able to answer increasingly sophisticated questions. So goodbye to anyone making, for example, a basic Calculus textbook. Not that it's a bad thing, the whole textbook business is such an incredible scam. long live z-lib and all that.

but we're also f*cked because these things are going to give a lot of wrong answers and we already have waaay too many people that don't have even a basic capabliity of thinking for themselves.

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