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Comment Re:Similar to (Score 2) 97

I live in the UK, I do not have a TV license as I do not watch it neither broadcast nor over the Internet. They send me a letter once a month with blood curdling threats about what they are going to do to me all over the envelope; inside, on the second page, a mention that I do not need a license if I do not watch it. They know that I do not watch TV - I told the man who came to visit some 4 years ago. I find what they are doing threatening, if I were to do the same to someone who used to be a customer I suspect that I would be visited by the police.

It must be costing them to continue this assault on me. I see no reason why I should waste my time to contact them to say that I do not need a license -- anyway: they would only start hassling me again in a couple of years.

Comment Why /sbin ? (Score 1) 81

The split between /bin and /sbin is not useful, and also unused. The original split was to have "important" binaries statically linked in /sbin which could then be used for emergency and rescue operations. Obviously, we don't do static linking anymore.

Back in the PDP-11 days I remember that there was a /bin and /sbin. This was long before dynamic linking was developed, the PDP-11 is a 16 bit machine. What was in /sbin were programs for System admin or the Super user.

Comment How does this cope with dust ? (Score 2) 49

One problem with fans is that they get clogged with dust which makes them not work as well. Once a year I use an air blaster to blow dust out of the inside of my PC; one problem with that is that it can push dust into fan bearings - which is not good. I assume that this will attract just as much dust but, not having rotating bearings, will not suffer when I use an air blaster.

Can anyone enlighten me ?

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