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Comment Re:Intensely idiotic (Score 2) 127

I assume you're referring to human's nature to create?

What about human nature to be selfish? Hell, what about the human nature to survive by having a profession that is actually lucrative? It's easy for us, the consumers, to demand that all creators do their work for free because we only look at the exorbitantly wealthy publishers who profit from them. Do I like copyright laws? No, I don't, but to jump blindly to the other extreme is just naive. Just my two cents.

Comment Re:Intensely idiotic (Score 3, Insightful) 127

Just a thought... what if your boss reduced your pay by 50% and told you that "if you're only doing it for money, then you're doing it for the wrong reason"?

Of course the only reason I write is because I enjoy it. And submitting any of my work for publishing would have reward in and of itself, but to do so would require that I devote an enormous amount of time that I could otherwise spend earning money and providing for my family, which, right now, I consider the more important task.

Comment Re:Intensely idiotic (Score 0, Flamebait) 127

Sorry buddy, "because FUCK the copyright holders!" is not an argument. You may be right in saying that we should have the right to do what we want with what we've purchased, but play the Devil's advocate for a moment...

The year is 2016: Every book that has ever been printed is now considered "public domain" since copyright laws have been abolished and you can find any literature you want just by googling the title and author. Sound great? Well it also turns out that books have annually been published 80% less since the copyright laws were struck down. Why is that, do you think? Perhaps it's because there's no longer any motivation for authors to publish their books since they aren't paid any money once they are published. They are made immediately available for the public's viewing. All the author gets is good feeling that people are reading their work. Reward enough? 80% of authors would say no.

Obviously it's a hypothetical argument, but I can say that as an aspiring novelist, my motivation to finish my book would be lessened if I knew that even if my work went viral, I would have nothing to show for it except for a few book readings at coffee shops.

Comment Re:Guns (Score 3, Interesting) 213

Within -- "An amateur gunsmith has already used a 3-D printer to make the lower receiver of a semiautomatic rifle, the AR-15. This heavily regulated part holds the bullets and carries the gun’s serial number. A German hacker made 3-D copies of tightly controlled police handcuff keys. Two of my own students, Will Langford and Matt Keeter, made master keys, without access to the originals, for luggage padlocks approved by the U.S. Transportation Security Administration."

The lower receiver is heavily regulated because it is the piece that can convert a semiautomatic rifle to a full automatic if you are able to manipulate it properly. A 3D printer could circumvent what was previously an extremely difficult task to convert the receiver from semi-auto to full auto.

And in the latter half of the paragraph, yet another reference to the TSA. How ironic.

Comment Re:People who predict desktop manufacturing (Score 2) 213

They can't work with metal, never mind electronics.

Not so my friend...

You'll people are already making parts to guns and master keys that can unlock anything from baggage padlocks to police handcuffs. Yes, these are probably laboratory grade 3D printers, but it won't be long before the public can get their hands on something similar.

Comment Ignorant Agricultural Question (Score 1) 293

Ok, so I know there was a drought in the US for a ridiculous amount of time, but considering modern technology, I'm having a hard time understanding why this has to mean no more bacon. Why can't farmers just heavily irrigate their fields? Isn't pumping water where need it worth it to produce a good crop and, more importantly, still have bacon? It's not like we don't have water in the world. Don't we have the tech to get it where we need it to be? Or if heat is the problem, can't we cover the fields with shade sheets or something?

I live in Phoenix and we have terribly hot summers with extraordinary long droughts, but we still seem to do ok and there's never a panic among the farming community. Can't we avoid these crises with some simple planning?

Anyone who knows anything about farming, feel free to enlighten this ignorant city kid.

Comment Not just for pregnant mothers. (Score 2) 139

A useful hand-held US machine could assist in a variety of ways in the healthcare profession. It would mean that trained doctors without access to other, larger equipment (remote places) could reliably diagnose or rule out appendicitis (among many other disease processes). If paramedics were trained on the machine, they could quickly establish peripheral IV access to administer medication in life or death situations.

I work an emergency department with an emergency physician who uses a "large, clunky US machine" to evaluate for countless disease processes quickly in pt's rooms. He and many other progressively minded physicians would jump at advances in this technology that would make it easier to use them to use.

Comment Re:Then there would be less girls (Score 2) 139

Do you really think that a significant amount of people in third world countries would get access to hand-held US (and know how to use it!) before they had access to an OB/GYN who could give them a sonogram anyways? The latter would, of course, thus allow them to determine the sex of their child and so have the same result.

Yes, that's already happening every day in China, but I personally, don't think hand-held US aren't going to make it happen any faster. Why would anyone spend $7000 on a hand-held US when they could go get a sonogram for $200? (Source:

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