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Comment Re: 'Just change country. (Score 2) 174

The reason for this stupidity is that the cost of identity theft is dumped onto the victims, so the corporations have no reason to care.

No, the reason for this is any time someone proposes a national ID, a whole lot of crazy folks insist it's a scheme to haul people off to concentration camps.

So, we're stuck with using SSNs, the de-facto national ID we already have.

Comment Re:Thanks Ajit Pai! (Score 1) 134

Tell me you know nothing about the FCC without telling me.

Hint: FCC commissioners have 5 year terms. And Biden's first nominee was confirmed in December 2021.

Also, rulemaking takes years. Pai killing it means it will now take years, instead of being close to wrapping up.

Comment Re: What a pointless message (Score 1) 210

The US funds laboratories around the world to study emerging diseases in those areas. That way diseases that may cause a pandemic are found significantly earlier than waiting for it to appear in Kansas.

You might have heard of one that appeared in China recently. A lot of the initial information about it came from a lab in China that received US funding.

Of course, those of you who believe every post of Facebook think that was a bioweapons lab too.

Comment Re:strawman goalposts shifting (Score 1) 245

"It had to come from the market" != "therefore it cannot have come from the lab"

Yes, actually it does mean that.

If it was infected lab workers, they would have exposed people in their orbit. It is not possible for them to infect people at the wet market and no one else.

Comment Re:First spread was from the market (Score 1) 245

However, it's just as reasonable to say that one of the lab workers went to the market to get dinner and dropped off some COVID.

No, it isn't. Because that lab worker would have also given it to a bunch of other lab workers, their family, the place they actually shop for food (Lab workers are paid well enough to not shop at wet markets) and so on.

The lab worker would have not only exposed people at the market.

Comment Re: Because every employee is interchangeable (Score 1) 118

If that takes 773 people, that still leaves well over 17,000 to choose from for the vaccine FOIA request.

The FDA does more than handle FOIA requests. The other employees are not available. They're busy doing things like reviewing other COIVD medications.

I don't need to. Apparently a judge already took care of that.

The judge can't appropriate money, only Congress can. His ruling appropriates money. His ruling is going to be thrown out because it's illegal for the FDA to comply with it.

What I'm trying to show is that it's not unreasonable to request that it be done faster

It is not unreasonable if you have Congress appropriate the funds to hire more FOIA examiners. Without that, no you can't just abandon everything else the FDA does to service one fishing expedition.

Comment Re:Because every employee is interchangeable (Score 1) 118

No, but you can get people from Department A to perform the administrative secretary duties normally performed by the people doing FOIA requests

You realize the people "doing FOIA" only "do FOIA", right?

Here's how many FOIA requests the FDA receives per month:

The last reported month (Sept 2021) was 773 requests, and it was pretty normal.

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