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Submission + - Google Play Mulls Movie Sales (mindprocessors.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Google execs have spoken to some of the film studios about offering Android users the option to buy titles, sources tell CNET. The formerly named Android Market currently offers rentals.

Submission + - Secure your Wi-Fi -- or face a visit from the police (techworld.com.au)

angry tapir writes: "If you live in the Australian state of Queensland and have an insecure Wi-Fi router, you may get a visit from the police. In a bid to raise awareness about cybercrime, police in the northeastern state plan to "wardrive," or cruise the streets, scanning for Wi-Fi routers that are not password protected or use an aging, weak security protocol. Australian consumers and businesses don't need to worry about a fine: Police just plan on distributing information on how they can better secure their routers in their mailboxes."

Submission + - Can KDE Survive Without Ubuntu? (muktware.com)

Comment Re:Not too soon (Score 1) 236

I've moved to Opera, sold my Android phone and bought an N900. As for the search, I'm torturing myself too with DDG, whose results clearly are no match for Google, especially when it comes to searching non-English content(in my case, German). Also the lack of an image search and an advanced serch is frustrating as hell, so every time DDG fails, I have to return to Google, there's no escaping from that for now.

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