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Comment Re:How about telling it like it is? (Score 1) 936

Conservatism is you do you

Unless you want an abortion. Or you want to smoke weed. Or you want to marry someone of the same sex. There are any number of examples of "conservatives" not living up to the small government mantra.

All this race crap and identity politics is all the bag of the left's divisiveness.

Ahh. Well that clearly explains why these idiots vote for Republicans (let me guess: No True Republican is coming next).

David Duke, to Trump:

I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror & remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists.

Also David Duke:

This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back. We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That's what we believed in. That's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back.

OK, now it's your turn to talk about how people on the right aren't actually on the right, because of a narrow definition that you use which people don't actually live up to. You can wax philosophical or historical all you want, but keep in mind that the people who you claim are not right-wing are the people who vote for conservative, not liberal, politicians. That's the reality of the situation, regardless of how much you want to claim that conservatives are all about small government. That argument is about as intelligent as claiming that the Democratic party is actually the racist one here in 2017 because back in the mid-1800s the party was in favor of slavery. Let's try to stick to reality here.

All this race crap and identity politics is all the bag of the left's divisiveness.

"Those people are so divisive!" he says, while pointing to the "other" group.

Abortion is anti life, murder.

While I personally detest weed as vile, it's regulation is a corruption of commerce clause.

Comment Re:How about telling it like it is? (Score 1) 936

The tragedy in charlottesville is two sides of the same leftist coin fighting each other since the 20th century (or earlier).

Are you really trying to suggest that the racist groups are fighting for socialism? When they praise Hitler they aren't praising his economic policies. These groups are far right, the historical basis of other racists groups has fuck-all to do with that.

That's exactly what I'm suggesting. Conservatism doesn't have a place in it's ideology for these people. Conservatism is not Authoritarianism. That is solely the domain of statists. Conservatism is you do you, we're all individuals looking to prosper together under capitalism. No racism, no bigotry. Pull you're own weight, respect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and we're all good.

All this race crap and identity politics is all the bag of the left's divisiveness.

Comment Re:How about telling it like it is? (Score 1) 936

That is a great question. The Republican Establishment have long adopted big budgets, erosion of rights, and other leftist nonsense to bribe their constituency into keeping them in office. When a conservative that clings to proper ideals comes into office, they turn on him because he exposes their hypocrisy and jeopardizes 'business as usual' and continued holding of office. The media, mostly leftists, are happy to egg on the establishment and assist in tearing down someone who is anathema to the left in the first place.

Trump, is not a conservative. In the slightest.

Comment Re:How about telling it like it is? (Score 2) 936

Nazis, aka National -Socialists-, are NOT far right.
They are of the Left. Perhaps right of communism

That's one of the greatest cons ever. They adopted socialist policies to gain popularity - typical demagogue stuff, promise to bring all the jobs back, blame all the problems on some identifiable group (the Jews) etc. Once they got into power they forgot all that stuff and enacted far right policies, which was their intention all along, and forgot about the socialist stuff.

Pretty sure nationalizing various parts of the economy, threatening to nationalize others unless they towed the line, destroying individual freedoms, disregard for life, lack of property ownership, eugenics, etc, are NOT policies of the right. Those are all statist corner stones of the left.

Comment Re:How about telling it like it is? (Score 0, Troll) 936

This has got to be the greatest PR con job ever.

Nazis, aka National -Socialists-, are NOT far right.
They are of the Left. Perhaps right of communism, but still far left. Maybe on the Right as far as europe is concerned, since that whole continent is on the left.
Fascism is also of the Left. Right of communism, but still of the left.

All 3, National Socialism, Fascism, and Communism are all about state/federal control of the economies and peoples.
None of that is the purview of the right.

The tragedy in charlottesville is two sides of the same leftist coin fighting each other since the 20th century (or earlier).

Then you have the Alt-Right, which also isn't the right. It's still a bunch of liberals (albeit it more moderate) who perhaps somewhat enjoy government intrusion in their lives and the market place, but have gotten fed up with the identity politics of the ideological whack jobs of the left putting them in convenient buckets to exploit or make targets.

The media keeps lumping all these groups (except the anarchocommies of antifa and the bernie bros) as "right wing", when they are far from the limited government, embracing of individuality, believers in personally responsibility, and believers in equal opportunity that is the tenants of the -actual- Right.

Comment Obvious fish is Obvious (Score 1) 2

A discreet GPU is pretty much in layman's terms, it's own system with a communications layer to the main system for receiving instructions and to load data. The GPU's hardware is designed to act tightly within this system. If the GPU wanted to interact with system ram, it'd have to go through the slow (relatively speaking) system bus to access slow (relatively speaking) system ram. In between, it's have to contend with the CPU and everything else that happens on the main system bus.

By contrast, the GPU has all that glorious GPU memory to itself with it's own bus, typically with much faster speed ram. Seems like it's usually a generation ahead of system ram.

tl;dr: your efforts are best spent breaking the problem down such that it fits within your discreet memory ram where it is much faster. Also you'd want to use a language optimized for the discreet gpu to fully use it's hardware functions. It's really a different beast.

Comment The Kiosks are Great! (Score 1) 632

McD near me installed the kiosks a few weeks ago. They were simple to use, gave incredible level of customization, a server brought the meal to my table, and I didn't have to deal with cashiers that barely speak english (a HUGE problem in south florida) that are guaranteed to get my order wrong, even when I just call out numbers.

I'm all in favor of these kiosks. To hell with $15/hr desiring employees that can't even communicate with me.

Comment Net Neutrality != Title II (Score 0) 245

You can have net neutrality without title II, which leads to government tyranny. Just look at england. They want to censor the entire series of tubes bc they can't handle an incompatible culture attacking from within. Like gun restrictions, all those rules would do is impact every day law abiding citizens instead of addressing the actual problem.

Keeping title ii will lead to increased intrusion from the government in something they have little understanding how and why it works, only that they want to tax and control it.

Comment Do you even game, Bro? (Score 1) 123

Echo and home arr garbage, destined for the "why the hell did I buy that" bin in the back closet.

As for being stuck in time? The consoles and their PC master race cousins have been pushing tech forward faster than anything else. With the ps3 you had a multiprocessor architecture that was complex as hell, but worked very well. With the ps4, you have in home consumer VR. It streams movies, both from services and one's own network. Integrated live streaming.

I don't know about others, but my ps4s are the entertainment hubs of the house when not on my PC.

Comment Musk is an idiot (Score 2, Insightful) 255

Instead of sleeping on the factory floor to show solidarity, perhaps he should have spent his time better analyzing production lines for improvement. A good manager doesn't work harder, a good manager works smarter. Add a person here, add a person there, lighten the individual load. Cross train and move multidiscipline employees to various stations based on demand, then move elsewhere when demand lowers.

On top of all that, his vehicles are shit, but that's another story altogether.

Comment Re:Fire them, hire replacements. (Score 1) 57

I've seen family member after family member screwed over by unions. They simply do not care about anything other than greater dues and the methods to increase those dues.

Fortunately, I live in a lovely right to work state where a union can't prevent me from working somewhere if I refuse to join them. I personally have zero pity for any union shop that closes, only for the non union personnel also now out of work because of the union's greed.

Comment Re:Fire them, hire replacements. (Score 0) 57

I'd up my skillset and look for work elsewhere. They are not forced to work for at&t. There are a bunch of non at&t telcos across the US.
If you're only solution is to stop working to force higher pay, have a plan for when you get replaced.

Myself, I will never work for a union shop. I'm not going to throw away money at dues that do not represent my interests or convictions.

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