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Comment Re:Probably not. (Score 1) 546

As another example, understanding half a dozen sort algorithms is pointless. If you're writing your own sort function, you're doing it wrong. Just call the one in the API.

Understanding those algorithms is still important, though, even if you're just using the available APIs. I know that depending on what framework I pick, the API's sort function will either be an implementation of quicksort, quicksort with an optimization to prevent worst case performance on presorted data, mergesort or (rarely) a handful of others. In many cases it is important to know which one is being used. Is resorting an already sorted list going to give me poor performance? Will elements that compare equal be maintained in order or would they be psuedorandomly transposed? If I know the details of common sorting algorithms I can tell this at a glance, and can easily remember which applies to which framework. If I don't know the details, I'll have to dig into documentation (or, quite frequently, stack overflow questions) to find the answers, which will take much longer.

And the other thing that CS teaches is that there are alternative approaches: why are you using a sort function, when you could be keeping your data in a tree structure instead?

Comment Re: What's wrong with Windows Server? (Score 1) 613

I'm afaid it is _exactly_ how X works. The X "server" needs to reside on your local host to see remote X applications displayed locally.

The X 'server' does not need to reside on the remote machine, but the components for X are so interwoven on most remote host environments that it's quite risky to pick and choose components.

Right. Local machine is the admin's desktop, running the X server, and the remote machine is the network server, running the X clients. I don't see the problem with this setup. It doesn't leave the server running X, and there's no security implications because you need to be able to connect to the server via ssh to get anything to work.

Comment Re: What's wrong with Windows Server? (Score 2) 613

Well software doesnt degrade over time due to use [...]

No. It degrades over time for entirely different reasons. But it *does* degrade over time. There's plenty of software I used to use which I now cannot for various reasons (e.g. contains known unpatched vulnerabilities; not compatible with modern hardware; suffers from Y2K-related bugs; depends on operating systems that contain known unpatched vulnerabilities; depends on operating systems that are not compatible with modern hardware). Were it open source, I doubt this would have happened.

Comment Re: What's wrong with Windows Server? (Score 4, Insightful) 613

Think how bad the OpenSSL bug was. Now realize the possibility that proprietary code could be just as bad, but no one can look at it.

FTFY, a more measured approach more consistent with reality. While the potential is there, we have not seen anything as bad as the OpenSSL bug.

The latest set of Microsoft security patches fix a vulnerability that could plausibly be exploited to remotely execute code and which has affected all versions of Internet Explorer since 6.0. This probably has significantly worse impact than Heartbleed did, and is such a regular occurrence that nobody has bothered pointing it out for special attention. Heartbleed was news simply because we expect open source to do better.

Comment Re: What's wrong with Windows Server? (Score 2, Informative) 613

Even if I were to never even look at a single line of the source, the fact that it's availble to others adds value for me. I can go download a patch someone else wrote that fixes a bug MS hasn't bothered to fix. [...]

I am also in favour of Open source myself and get your point. However, after the OpenSSL bug, my belief in this "someone else" has significantly lowered. If too many people rely on "someone else" fixing a problem in his/her spare time you are worse off than when people are paid to fix closed source software. If the problem is important ($$$) enough, it wil be fixed.

Heartbleed was a subtle bug that was fixed after 2 years and 1 month of being in the release branch of openssl. Looking at the "critical" and "important" bugs in the latest round of Windows patches, I see one that has been open since IE6 was released (13 years), one for windows 8 (21 months), OneNote 2007 SP3 (35 months), SQL Server 2008 SP3 (35 months), Windows 2003 (11 years) x2, SharePoint Server 2013 (18 months), and .NET Framework 2.0SP2 (5 years).

It looks to me like open source is working just fine here; Hearthbleed appears to have been fixed much faster than an average important security flaw in a closed source package.

Comment Re:Why. (Score 1) 165

I dont care about Broadcom's politics. I cant change them and the Pi has been incredibly useful to me in learning and teaching electronics. I would love for the whole thing to be open, but its just not happening, so we must accept that the net gain from the PI is still a benefit to humanity, no matter how slightly 'impure' the ideology. Most of the device is 'open'.

Yes, but for some reason I find hard to fathom it attracts attention away from other products that would be just as good at fulfilling the same goals and *are* completely open. I have no doubt that if, say, Olimex's OLinuxIno sold in similar quantities to the RPi it would be available at about the same price, rather than a slightly higher for a much better board, as it is currently.

Comment Re:Broadcom... (Score 1) 165

Would you mind tell me who are the competitors? I am pretty interested in alternative products if any at a competitive price.

I'm personally a fan of Olimex's boards. They're open hardware, and tend to have superior boards to the RPi at only slightly higher prices. E.g. their entry level board (details here) is £28 versus about £20 for a RPi model A. It has a much faster processor (1GHz superscalar Cortex A8 vs 700MHz previous-generation single-dispatch ARM11, so probably about twice as fast), more GPIOs (74 pins vs RPi's 26), USB-OTG, audio-in, RTC, plus uses a processor that does not rely on an undocumented proprietary DSP to boot. And did I mention it's open hardware, so you could build your own if wanted to?

Comment Re:The moment of truth (Score 1) 126

But currently renting a movie on Vu is $6.00. Would $6.00 be very reasonable for owning unless I'm miss understanding the DRM Free concept.

$6 is very high for renting a movie. I can rent a physical copy locally for $3-$5, depending on how new the title is, or I could get a netflix subscription for less than $10 per month (as I watch about 5-10 movies per month, this works out at $1-$2 each).

Comment Re:If actually stolen... (Score 1) 194

100 lashes would kill a man.

Nonsense. It might do so rarely, but there are many documented cases in military history of men being sentenced to 1,000 lashes or more and surviving. Permanent disablement was an expected outcome of such a sentence, but not usually death. In a recent case of a teenage girl sentenced to 100 lashes in the Maldives, Amnesty International described the likely outcome as "long-term psychological as well as physical scars". I would imagine they had an expert on the subject make this assessment.

Comment Re:What's the point? (Score 1) 511

You question the conscientiousness of the programmers in the first paragraph and assume it in the second.

Yes. Most developers I've worked with pay an awful lot more attention to the code than to the documentation. It may not be desirable, but it's what happens in almost all cases. I know I'm guilty of it at times, even though I try not to be. If I see a problem with the code, I'll refactor it. Problems with documentation, (1) I'm less likely to notice them and (2) I'm less likely to actually fix them if I do notice them.

Comment Re:Addressing potential problems (Score 1) 149

I'm sure there are shady hosts out there but is it really so widespread?

Who said anything is widespread? The disclosure being requested here affects less than 1% of the airbnb service providers in NY. If only 1% of them are "shady" you'd be highly unlikely to have seen them unless you used the service a lot.

Comment Re:From a users perspetive (Score 1) 511

As i look around *my* room, i see embedded linux devices that are running mostly binaries primarily written in C, many smaller electronics with simple micro controllers, even a windows CE embedded device running software written in .NET and one java based device my phone..

If i think about whats in my car, its a windows CE embedded device running native applications.

java does a lot of enterprise, android and a decent % of webapps. other than android apps rarely do i see something that is java that behaves as well as the non java equivalents

Do you have a BluRay player? A DVB-based set-top box or a TV with integrated DVB decoder? Either of these would typically include a JVM.

Comment Re:From a users perspetive (Score 1) 511

Then you get to enjoy the unbearably slow performance, and HP-UX style UI from 1992.

Ahh good ol' CDE i never drew the comparison but that's bang on lol, i wonder if java's ui elements were modeled after CDE

When running on X11, Java's default UI is based on the motif toolkit, which is the same toolkit that CDE was based on, so the answer to your question is "indirectly".

Comment Re:What's the point? (Score 1) 511

I can pass the latest whizz-bang object that just happens to have the right attributes in to the old library code and get it back out the other side without having it cast to a crippled shadow of its former self.

You can also pass any object that happens to have attributes that have been coincidentally named the same but don't necessarily have the same semantics, and wait for the entire system to blow up (which it may or may not do in simple test cases, depending on how closely the semantics happen to match).

In reality, I don't find that unrelated classes tend to have methods or properties that share both a name and exactly the same semantic definition except where that similarity is intentional. When it is intentional, then usually the two classes will share an explicitly defined interface. On rare occasions they do not, it is trivial to write a wrapper for the objects, and the necessity of doing so is a good prompt to think about whether the definitions are in fact exactly the same.

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