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Comment Re:Protectionism and National Security (Score 1) 170

> The US auto industry has always lobbied politicians to prevent having to compete.

The Chinese gov't does subsidize certain industries. Asking American manufacturers to compete with subsidize companies is a tall order.

Also, It's often difficult to verify how much the Chinese gov't subsidizes, being it's a closed society. We can tell them: "Become transparent, or munch our tariffs".

Comment Re:So, the "food pyramid" is a lie? (Score 1) 57

> Meat is good food, and humans evolved to live on a diet high in meat content

That's not true. Even before mass agriculture, meat was roughly 20% of a human diet. Mass agriculture made it more like 7%, and our biology did evolve around that because agriculture was a population multiplier.

Lots of whole grains with a smidgen of random fruits, vegetables, and bits of meat is what human stomachs prefer.

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