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Comment Re:Violation of EU GPDR and Canada/US data treatie (Score 5, Insightful) 146

Any sane lawyer could sue all these telecom companies under both the EU GPDR and the US/Canada data treaties.

Your rights don't end at the border, unless you're only an American.

Umm.. wait, what? "Rights" are a concept granted by the country you're in. They do, literally, end at the border. "Your Rights" become whatever the rights are that are granted to foreigners in the new country you entered if the new country does grant such rights. Do all countries even have the concept of individual rights? If you go to China for Example with the 9mm pistol your home country gives you the right to carry you aren't going to have a good day. If you go to North Korea running your mouth about how their emperor sucks badly... same thing - they don't care about the rights you had when you were in your "home" country. They do care that foreign nationals in those countries don't have the right to do those things.

Comment Absolutely (Score 4, Insightful) 110

Investgate != regulate. An investigation will allow the FTC to determine if there is a problem and if so then they can regulate. If there is no problem then no harm was done. Other than the cost of the investigation, it seems like a no brainier. Investigate away and make a decision. Maybe investigate again later if something changes. It's simple, and should be common enough that it doesn't register as news.

Comment Re:Lost Productivity (Score 4, Insightful) 167

But how much productivity is lost because I need to use my personal laptop to transfer screenshots from a spectrum analyzer (USB port only!) via emailing to myself? My company does basically the same thing, and as an electronics engineer that spends a bunch of time at a test bench, this SUCKS!

We have had a similar policy to IBM's for a few years. A person who needs to use usb storage devices for things like you're talking about have to apply for security exceptions. Even if your employer grants a few thousand legitimate exceptions for stuff like this, they have still minimized risk by eliminating USB use by the other 200,000 employees. It does involve some overhead and time wasted when you first apply for your exception. In my opinion the benefit outweighs the drawback.

It's a lot like changing a default security policy to DENY and only ALLOWing things you really want. Minor inconvenience in exchange for greatly improved security.

Comment Well (Score 1) 98

It's a good reason to not move somewhere that you have to rely on public transportation. Especially if that locality thinks it's a good idea to pay someone to respond to tweets and give those people no power to fix whatever complaint they're responding to.

Delays are up 83%? No problem, we'll just respond to tweets instead of fixing whatever caused the delay in the first place.

If the locality can't maintain their public transport system better than that then it ought to be encouraging residents to buy their own private transport and avoid the public transport system.

Comment eh what? (Score 1) 58

Google shopping wants to compete with amazon.com or fleabay? Seems unlikely, as google doesn't actually sell products. It's a search engine that tricks users into thinking there is a store hosted on google.com. Not only that, but many of the results actually end up being listings on fleabay or amazon.com in the first place. If google wants to compete in e-commerece, then they will prob have to.. you know, engage in actual e-commerce.

Comment Re:I want these for pictures (Score 1) 299

Sure it's going to be a while before you see much 8k VIDEO content...

But what the naysayers are ignore is how awesome these will be for images.

Also a nice side effect of putting on 8K displays, is it drives the cots of 4k displays even cheaper in the meantime.

As is the way of every new hotness. It drives the cost of the old busted down. 8k is the new hotness. 4k is the old busted. The author must have some vested interest in an older technology. Maybe he bought his first 4k tv last weekend and is bitter?

Comment Re:Before saying it is good or bad : example ? (Score 1) 314

But it that identity is kept confidential at all the study couldn't be used by the EPA if this proposed rule is passed.

the EPA will no longer be able to rely on scientific research that is underpinned by confidential medical and industry data

I've never seen a medical study based on a person's name or social security number.

Comment Re:Slow news day? (Score 2) 149

^^^ This. How about a lively discussion about how we can use tech to stop people from running over crowds of other people with speeding vehicles instead?

Obviously, banning vehicles for anyone other than the military of a sovereign nation is the answer. The vehicles used by the nation should require multi factor biometric locking mechanisms. Is this even a question?

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