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Consumers vs. IP Owners: The Future of Copyright 415

conJunk writes "The BBC has a thoughtful article about new challenges in copyright. The problem: The rights to the audio recordings of the Beatles first album will expire in 2013. While consumers stand to benefit from competing releases of the materials, the copyright owners are of course terrified. And the artists? This one doesn't even seem to affect them."

The Looming Battle Over Online Gambling 245

Kadin2048 writes "According to an recent Ars Technica article, the US is headed on a 'collision course' with the WTO over off-shore Internet gambling, if a bill currently in the House of Representatives passes. The 'Internet Gambling Prohibition Act,' (PDF) which updates the 'Wire Act' to prohibit Internet gambling regardless of whether the servers are located in the US or outside of it, is in direct contravention of a WTO ruling. Proponents of the bill claim that it was narrowly defeated in previous incarnations due to the influence of disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff. However it seems as though some of Abramoff's biggest clients -- brick and mortar casinos -- are really the big winners from passage of this bill, since it does not prohibit gambling in person, only online."

Domestic Spying Records Ordered Released 257

CokoBWare wrote to mention an eWeek report on the NSA's domestic spying program. A federal judge has ordered the Department of Justice to release records from the program by March 8th. From the article: "In ordering the Justice Department to expedite the FOIA request processing, Judge Henry Kennedy Jr., of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, said that the department's opinion that it could determine how much time is needed was 'easily rejected ... Under DOJ's view of the expedited processing provisions of FOIA, the government would have carte blanche to determine the time line for processing expedited requests,'"

Journal Journal: Wishful Thinking

I never slam the MSM, but it's time. Here's the Washington Post wistfully declaring about AOL and Yahoo's inane idea to charge corporate opt-in^H^H^H^H^H^H spammers to bypass spam filters: "Maybe this is where it starts to change." Fortunately, some guy pointed out the obvious - it's a way to make it easier to spam, not harder, if you pay the corporate owners of the users' mailboxes.

Journal Journal: Impact Of Hate Amendment On Real Virginians 28

Virginia is my home state, but I am deeply ashamed of that fact today, thanks to the legal slap in the face of law-abiding gay men and women passed by its legislature.

Opponents of same sex marriage, why would you attack someone like Jay Fisette so personally? Because that is what your friends have done in the Old Dominion.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Holy Tango of Literature

For the poetry fans: Poetry in the style of the poet, about an anagram (Holy Tango - anagram of Analogy) of the poet's name:


I have a skinny Domicile--
Its Door is very narrow.
'Twill keep--I hope--the Reaper out--
His Scythe--and Bones--and Marrow.

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