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Comment Re:Meanwhile, in China... (Score 2) 249

China is building six times more new coal plants than other countries, report finds.

Until we get China and India to play along, all the handwringing in the world won't mean squat.

More pointless fearmongering looking at single stats in isolation. China has not had an increase in coal consumption in over a decade. Their new coal plants are largely replacing existing ones improving efficiency in the process. In the meantime China is also building more green power and nuclear power *per capita* than any other nation and will end their ascension to a 1st world nation having emitted only a tiny fraction of the CO2 as any other nation.

India on the other hand. Fuck that backwards idiot running that country.

Comment Re:burning coal vs nuclear (Score 1, Interesting) 249

Ok, so we can start using more nuclear power

And where do we get this nuclear power from? Are you proposing we build some? Because there's a climate energy on and we need actual meaningful solutions, not projects which may or may not be completed sometime in the 2040s which do nothing but spew out more CO2 into the air in the meantime.

The time for nuclear power was 20 years ago. It's too late. Move on to something achievable.

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 108

they're just trying to do stealth layoffs.

Don't pretend dumb managers who manage by bumbs in seats are playing some 4 dimensional chess moves here. The reality is a *lot* of companies are doing this and the overwhelming majority are not even remotely in the layoff territory.

When did Slashdot stop acknowledging that bad managers exist? At DELL of all places!

Comment Re:there's "tailgating" and "tailgating" (Score 1) 108

It's another when you know half the floor you work on and everyone coming off the elevator is someone you just saw in a meeting in the morning.

This is how people die when buildings catch fire. Using badges and having a no-tailgating policy is important for more than just security. The only thing "dumb" about the organisation policy is your understanding of it.

Comment Re:Badge swipes, VPN usage such a bad idea (Score 1) 108

Replying only to your technicals, I don’t know how it’s possible to have inaccurate badging data when a badge is needed to open any outside door and many interior doors, combined with a strict “no tailgating” policy.

Because a badge data doesn't reflect the reason a person isn't in the office.

You have badge data that indicates someone was in the office X days, or Y days. Did you correlate that against their leave entitlement? Did you check with line managers about specific exceptions? Was the employee on the clock but at a conference? Did they go address a customer on site? Were they on jury duty? Or maybe just sick?

For many full time employees being in the office doesn't necessarily mean stepping into that particular door, even if they aren't working from home. It's an incredibly difficult multi-variable problem to correlate badge swipes with a return-to-office policy.

Comment Re:So all the aquistitions were for nothing? (Score 1) 20

Microsoft falsely promised more games, and more choice, but instead they are reducing them and forcing talented people out of a job. Meanwhile it keeps employing marketroids to make abusive Windows 11 and Edge adverts, knowing because of proprietary software dependencies most people cant just take the penguin pill. It's time Slashdot brings back the Borg icon.

Context matters. Microsoft isn't firing anyone at Activision. Promise upheld. You need to read everything in context.

forcing talented people out of a job

I'm actually in two minds about this comment. The job here is literally a labouring skill. It doesn't require an up front investment in large amounts of infrastructure. They're not building bridges, refineries, not investing in heavy machinery. Game development is done on computers using software. My point is, when you fire individuals you put them out of a job, when you fire literally an entire studio, it's a different matter. You're not putting people out of a job, you're putting them out of a name on the building. I'll bet you a Marsbar that many of the fired band together and start another studio, as has happened countless times in the past.

Comment Re:Because Money (Score 3, Interesting) 108

By at least banning artificial kiddie porn, you are sending the message that this is a socially unacceptable thing. If you don't ban it, it's essentially giving the OKAY for this behavior.

Okay to what behaviour? Kiddy porn is banned because it's creation involves the abuse of children which by legal definition cannot consent. Who is being abused by generating a text prompt that spits out a kiddy image? WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE PIXELS!

People jack off to all sorts of weird things. I'm not one to judge. If someone wants to beat off to fake AI generated pictures of kids then seriously more power to them. If anything AI competes with ... potentially even reducing ... the actual abusive content out there. If these people's cravings are satisfied in this way it's one less abused kid video being traded online.

Just for fun look up child abuse stats in Japan and now how much lower they are despite the very VERY widespread prevalence and legality of underaged hentai. By saying that you think algorithmically generated pictures of underage people should be banned you're effectively creating a thoughtcrime.

Comment When did companies start expecting pity? (Score 4, Insightful) 76

No Sonos it did not take courage. You did something, don't expect us to have any feelings for you what so ever. You built a shit interface, don't expect us to pity you for your "courage". Same with all companies recently. What did Sony say yesterday? "We're still learning". No you're not, no pity for you. You made a dumb call, own up to it. Apple, it did not take "courage" to remove the headphone jack, you made a business decision driven by dollars.

Fuck off with the whining. Do a good job, or don't, but don't make shithouse pity-excuses.

Comment Re:I want to go to work fewer total times. (Score 1) 205

That may be your preference, but do not pretend you are going to achieve anything in a 2x16h shift. Your mind will be well and truly fucked typically before you reach 12 hours. There's a reason many sane countries have working hour limits (especially for dangerous work) beyond 14 hours.

Personally if I can't finish my shift in 14 hours my company doesn't let me drive home and books me two taxis (one to get home, and one to come to work the following day / come collect my car after I've had a sleep and am actually functional again).

Comment Re:Psyops (Score 1) 205

Economics isn't everything. The goal of a society should be to maximize happiness and well-being, not goods, buying power, supply or demand.

{Insert whynotoboth meme here}. There are enough studies that show with reduced hours you can achieve happiness without sacrificing economics... to a point. The 4 day working week is starting to show itself as some kind of a magic sweet spot.

Comment Re:Funny (Score 1) 205

Fridays meetings are a godsend! You will NEVER see agreements being closed this quickly, especially if you make it obvious you have all the time in the world while they want to leave early for the weekend.

I used to think like you. Except the "agreements" ended up being horrendously bad overall because people didn't give a shit and didn't think things through. We stopped trying to have meetings on Fridays because of bad quality of outcomes. The goal of a meeting is not just to sign on the dotted line.

Again, do you want me to be present, or achieve something positive.

Comment Re:Shocked I tell you... (Score 1) 205

Daycare workers can work 4 days a week. No one here is saying we all need to pick the same 4 days. As for "working" teachers, the vast majority of a teacher's job has nothing to do with attending school. A typical teacher's job is not 9-5. It's 8-9, 11-2, 3-5 with a lunch break here and a bit of marking some other days. As it is kids at my wife's school are there 5 days a week, but she isn't there on Wednesday because her math classes aren't rostered on that day.

Comment Re:Shocked I tell you... (Score 1) 205

Not the same thing. There's enough evidence to show that if you restrict the work week you become more efficient and achieve more in your working hours. The premise here is working a 32 hour week *without* taking a pay cut.

Also the prevalence of the 32hour work week in the Netherlands is also a subject of some interesting tax / support conditions. That "20%" pay cut, often isn't actually 20% for the people who opt for the reduced hours. We had the same thing in Australia when the government started playing with tax brackets and allowances, the engineers I worked with were very quick to build a spreadsheet where you inserted your salary and the system spat out the number of days unpaid leave you should take to give you days off without costing you a cent.

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