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The Almighty Buck

Submission + - The United States cannot save the world. (

Kungpaoshizi writes: A new petition has surfaced to address our (the USA) rediculous spending habits concerning the money we don't have. And as much as anyone would like to help other people, perhaps we should focus on our own problems before attempting to save the world.

Comment Question for you sir (Score 1) 1142

I never heard of you, but your quote of 'One of the truly bad effects of religion is that it teaches us that it is a virtue to be satisfied with not understanding.', is truly quite amazing! I guess the one question I have for you though, that out-ranks my other thoughts is this; Looking back through your entire life and career, what is the one hint of a thought that makes you truly believe there is no divine being "in charge" of all we see, or can you not truly say that because no matter how much you see you still have a hint of a doubt? Thank you sir, I wish you well!

Comment Too pricey, ya lost my sale (Score 1) 417

I was very gung-ho for the surface release... I was going to buy multiple RT's at the rumored 199$ price point, heck, even if they were 300, I would buy 2-3. But at the price they're being released at, I'm not going to buy any except maybe the Pro because I'm not sure if RT will stick, it will take support from Dev's. Also the Pro I'll be able to integrate and use my resources with, RT not so much. But more over, if the Pro is going to be 1k+$ I'll only buy 1, just because I would like to see Microsoft producing hardware.

Comment Linux will never be mainstream (Score 1) 591

Because the community as a whole can never have 1 goal. Everyone wants to do their own thing, and that will be their legacy. I've talked to numerous linux users who talk down about Microshaft, but ya know why I use Windows? Because a lot of people came together on one goal, Windows. If Linux would produce and keep maintaining advances on 1 single OS distro, then yes, I would consider it, but it would be a requirement that it had something comparable to Direct X. But until the community comes together, the products will always be half-ass.

Comment Re:Does MagicJack Work? (Score 4, Informative) 243

Seriously, it seems like you don't have it, otherwise if you do, and you still say this, you don't realize what you have. It works great, the "ad-laden software" you speak of is not that, it has a couple frames that load MJ deals, that's it. It doesn't swallow your bandwidth. It doesn't 'infect' your pc with adware like you make it sound. It has great tech support. And yes, unlimited service for 20$/year is totally possible, why, because of the crazy little idea people are talking about, called the "internet". And you don't have to leave your pc on 24/7. If the unit isn't plugged in, their servers host your voicemail, and you can access it remotely via a regular phone... Sounds like you either don't have it, or you had a rotten time with it, but I live, breathe, and eat computers, and this is by far the BEST phone service provider deal hands down. Sure, it's not a cell phone, but if you have a laptop/netbook, are you really gonna say that you can't pretty much go anywhere without being able to find the internet? Heck, paired with a random 3G adapter even... I don't mean to offend, but your words just reek of ignorance or impatience...

Comment Re:MJ is a SCAM folks (Score 4, Informative) 243

na, I was curious about it too, but it's gotta be the best phone type gear I've ever got.. I did have quality issues in the beginning, but after a call to customer service, after the results of their troubleshooting (and my tech skillz), THEY admitted to their server causing the issue, and said "we'll be updating the server soon". I didn't know what to think. A couple days later, the issue was fixed, and quality was 100%. I stand by this product, and those who say it's a scam, are either r-tarded, or are afraid for their phone company they work for...

Comment You newbs, MJ is not a scam... (Score 2, Informative) 243

I've had MajicJack for more than 6 months now, it's the best thing I have ever found for phone service. Yes it sucks at times when I'm downloading etc, then the quality suffers a little, but otherwise 20$ a year, ya, I bet anyone and everyone screaming "SCAM!" is a freakin phone service salesman... Phone companies and cell companies can't come anywhere near 20$ a year, not even skype, and I have noticed the quality IS better than skype... MajicJack == the end of the line for residential phone companies

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God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
