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Comment Re:Just imagine .... (Score 1) 290

It doesn't follow that fitting ~300k 6502 cores onto the Sandy Bridge equals the same in processing power, only that they could fit onto it.

Additionally you should also consider the clock cycles of instructions as there have been significant improvements (as well as "special" sets like SSE) which also increase the computing power.

Comment Re:Tabula Rasa was not really that different (Score 1) 328

All MMOs are grinds, but some still manage to be different from WoW (like Tabula Rasa and Ryzom) and be great games on their own. They often do this by having a great (roleplay) community and/or focus on story development, the clones rarely get that they need more than just a copy of the mechanics.

Comment Pro tip (Score 1) 172

Pro tip to Slashdot users: Stuff one of the SJ figurines down the front of your pants* and even you can obtain a girl- or boyfriend.

* Please note that prolonged exposure can result in: Expensive cloth and hardware habits, occasional cravings for grilled shoes with squid dressing, becoming a sex symbol and/or growing a beard.

Comment Opt-in is already there (Score 2, Insightful) 335

Ms Perry added: "British internet service providers should share the responsibility to keep our children safe so I am calling for ISPs to offer an 'opt-in' system that uses age verification to access pornographic material."

There already is an opt-in when you buy the service. You bought the service, not your children, it is your responsibility how you let then use it. If you want to limit what your children do with it, either educate them on it, or if that is too much for you get some software that do a default blacklist and add you own whitelist of sites that are okay for them to visit. Parenting is not something you can magically get others to do for you.

Comment Who, what and why? (Score 1) 250

"We made the Internet and it seems to me that we ought to be the first folks to get out there and protect it,"

Protect it from who, what and why?

And if you are serious, start by getting rid of spam. And if you should somehow manage that, you have most likely also killed the (free) internet as we know it.

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