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Comment Re: The difference between science and religion (Score 0) 245

>The bible is a bunch of bullshit, its just a fact.

You are clearly trolling but I will bite.
I think some of the bible advices are really good if you were born 2000 years ago.
"Eat only this stuff" "Do not kill" "Rest at least a day every 7" all those stuff just makes sense.
Then there is some fantastic stories and other wrong stuff like the age of the earth but hey, they were not scientist, we didn't have the Hubble back then.

Comment rfc4345 (Score 4, Informative) 90

If I understood the article, the reported RC4 weakness is known since so long ago there is a RFC about it (rfc4345) that TLS implementation just ignores. SSH also uses RC4 in a non-vulnerable way, and that's why it's not broken, and it's perfectly possible to have a secure RC4 algorithm by simply discarding the first N bytes, where N>1000.

Comment Re:Screw HR... (Score 1) 728

You'll also be surprised how many of the people who own their own successful businesses at those exclusive clubs never finished college.

What does this means? I'm not surprised if many business owners never finished college. I would be surprised if *most* of them didn't. But as you say, apparently most of them did have a degree.

Comment Re:Build quality my ass! (Score 1) 347

>I'm still using a Thinkpad T60 from 2006, and I'm not that impressed with the build quality.

You laptop will be 7 years old soon. Try that with any other laptop, including Apple. They fall into pieces at the 3 year mark.
I have a pile of old Thinkpad notebooks in my desk. They have become too slow to run new software, but they all work.

Comment Outward gamma burst (Score 3, Interesting) 235

>All the energetic particles trapped during the journey have to go somewhere, and the researchers believe they would be blasted outward in a cone directly in front of the ship.

At that energy levels particles will be converted to gamma radiation, expelled outward in a burst. Maybe sombody already invented those ships.

Comment Re:Patent move? (Score 1) 160

You don't patent an ABI. If you do, then nobody could make compatible toolchains without paying to do so.

Alright Genius, I confused ABI with ISA.

How did your post get modded +2? Where have all the real geeks gone?

Thank for sharing you enormous knowledge, noy you can go back to your real-geek only club.

Comment Patent move? (Score 1) 160

I always wonder, why change the ABI so often? after all the instruction set is only the interface between the C compiler and the underlying VLIW CPU engine. That's why the first 64 bit processors were actually slower in 64 bit than in 32 bits, and even today they aren't that faster in 64-bit mode.
I suspect is all a Patent game, that's why CPU designers keeps modifying the ABI. Their patents are expiring all the time.

Comment Re:Bad Idea (Score 1) 184

1) Fire: You can build your entire machine on metal, that won't prevent the thing you are cutting from catching fire.

Nitrogen canister, regulator, pump to measure gas volume... enclosed container. Fire needs oxygen to burn.

The only deadly thing a Laser lacks is something that can explode and throw shrapnel at you. Now it have it.

2) Smoke: There's a reason most laser cutters have huge ventilation tubes. The laser will produce smoke, if you cut anything but wood it will be toxic smoke. Not good.

Seal the equipment in an air-tight chamber, vent it to atmosphere when safe or pass exhaust through activated-carbon.

Instead of toxic smoke now we have concentrated pressurized toxic smoke.

3) Laser: 40 watts is 100 times the power needed to instantly blind you. Lasers of that power are dangerous even bouncing on non-reflective surfaces. The laser is probable IR so invisible too.

Safety interlocks to prevent chamber from being opened while laser is active; Viewing ports made of laser-safe safety glass to absorb specific wavelength of laser beam (same as the safety goggles you should know to wear...).

Good luck absorbing 40 Watts in 0.1 mm^2 of glass though.

And IMHO the worst: The high-current high-voltage power source (10 KV or more) can instantly kill you.

Isolation transformer, sealed unit, zero-delay ground return fault interrupt from mains, capacitor buffered to smooth initial load during firing (which would otherwise trip the aforementioned). Proper grounding. Oh, and proper grounding. And proper. Fucking. Grounding.

Now you're right, these things are all dangerous and can kill you... but so can climbing into a hot tub if you're drunk. You can't make something perfectly safe, but you can make it reasonably safe. Your microwave also contains a power supply rated for similar voltages... and similar risks for body damage if the safeties are compromised.

Fair enough. When isolating the stuff remember 10 KV can kill you through a 5 cm air gap.
Yes the microwave can kill you that's why there are no DIY microwaves.

Comment Bad Idea (Score 2) 184

I used to work programming laser cutters. Let's summarize the ways these machines can kill/maim you:

1) Fire: You can build your entire machine on metal, that won't prevent the thing you are cutting from catching fire.
2) Smoke: There's a reason most laser cutters have huge ventilation tubes. The laser will produce smoke, if you cut anything but wood it will be toxic smoke. Not good.
3) Laser: 40 watts is 100 times the power needed to instantly blind you. Lasers of that power are dangerous even bouncing on non-reflective surfaces. The laser is probable IR so invisible too.
4) And IMHO the worst: The high-current high-voltage power source (10 KV or more) can instantly kill you.

The company I worked for had huge problems with the certification of the power source alone.

DIY 40W Laser = terrible idea. CNCs are much cheaper and safer.

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