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Comment née (Score 1) 859

I'm reminded of the word "née", usually used for a married woman's maiden name, but also uses for other previous names, whether or not the name change was transgender-related.
Catelyn Stark née Tully, Bob Dylan née Robert Zimmerman, Chelsea Manning née Bradley Manning all seem like accurate uses of the word.

Comment Neurodiversity meaning and relation to transgender (Score 1) 859

Neurodiversity means various mental conditions, including autism (but not limited to it like the AC who replied to steelwraith said). The SJWs who came up with TFA don't consider transgenderism a mental illness, but I see where you got that from. Even if it is, it can't be cured, so maybe going along with them to some extent is a good treatment

Comment Re:Last sentence in the policy. (Score 1) 859

Even not objecting to transgender rights in general, I admit male to female athletes in women's sports is a practical problem.

The SJW crowd often seems to go easy on offensive behavior by minorities, including feminists with sexist behavior in other countries/cultures. I'm not saying everything's perfect here, but it does seem worse there. (SJW's often don't seem to get degrees of bad) Maybe there are practical limitations in taking effective action, like well meaning bumbling

Comment The power of words. (Score 1) 859

Yes, 'illegal immigrant' is simply accurate. I can see how just 'illegal' comes off as denying their right to exist, but the law is just not letting them exist here.

'Undocumented' isn't inaccurate per se but does cast them in a favorable light, similar for offering Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors.

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