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Comment Re:Postapocoliptic Nightmare (Score 5, Interesting) 679

or those so called Luddites don't like Monsanto's sueing farmers for having their wheat in their fields when the farmers had nothing to do with that happening, causing all kinds of bad feelings for Monsanto from many in the farming communities. Now their wheat is growing in the wild. Is Monsanto going to sue the County it is growing in too, or just the farmer on whose land it is found?

Comment Re:Reverse Psychology (Score 1) 96

I wouldn't be surprised if the troll wasn't someone expecting to get money out of the practice, but rather some person or company sick of the flaws in the patent system, how easy it is to abuse patents, and how hard it is to get the government to take action on fixing it. Maybe someone just wanted to draw attention to the issue to have patent law locked down a little better to prevent such activities. I imagine someone writing all these letters, chanting all the while, "Stop letting me do this!"

And, bonus! if anybody sends them money. Huh? :)

Comment Re:Recession? (Score 1) 98

My city's library has internet and email classes people can attend for free, as well as large print books and a new children's wing that has indoor trees that kids can sit in and read from with specially aimed lights to help make that work. We don't have all that fancy TV stuff as the one in this story though. We do have a coffee, soup and sandwich shop though!

Comment Re:Big Brother (Score 1) 515

Well, maybe the part that they have to press a key sequence is wrong, but they don't know that - to see if they will follow rules. It probably tracks locations every minute so it can be reviewed later when bracelet is downloaded. In fact, maybe the key sequence is actually to download their data to the school for their data retention.

Comment Re:Ho Hum article. (Score 1) 294

On my work Mac, I have Libreoffice and Neooffice. However, I needed neooffice on my Mac to open old Word Perfect files (WP) because my agency switched to Word several years ago and the older versions of Word did open WP however, recent versions do not and at the time, OpenOffice did not while NeoOffice did. Libreoffice has that functionality though, so now NeoOffice is redundant. Ps. Printing is fine with my Libreoffice.

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