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Comment Re:But think of the accountants! (Score 1) 436

Hell, yes. Money isn't real. It's a symbol; a cognitive tool. If it isn't serving our purposes, we should change it.

Being a slave to our own symbols always reminds me of this passage:

`When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, `it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less.'

`The question is,' said Alice, `whether you can make words mean so many different things.'

`The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, `which is to be master - - that's all.'

Comment Re:purge (Score 1) 361

I don't get it. I'm a "media-luddite" because I've consumed the same media as you have, but delete it instead of hoarding it?

My modpoints expired, otherwise you'd have one. This is exactly my solution to the filing/sorting problem: I delete stuff.

Comment Re:Tobii a startup? (Score 1) 43

Yeah. Tobii has been shipping some really sweet tablet communication devices for people with disabilities with eye tracking for a couple years now. I've played with a few of them and they work pretty well (though operating Windows with it is tiring).
The price tag on that eye-tracker add-on is jaw-dropping. I'm hoping that this tech can go mainstream, making it come down in price to make it more available to people with special needs who need it.

Comment Re:WBC are Professional Trolls (Score 1) 744

"My son should have been buried with dignity, not with a bunch of clowns outside."

Adding more clowns does not improve things in any way at all.

Yes. The counter-protests at funerals need to be handled more respectfully.

However, WBC are going to be at Portsmouth New Hampshire's Seacoast Repertory Theater picketing their production of The Laramie Project later this week. Some street theater to accompany the theater happening inside would be great lulz. Portsmouth loves street theater.

I heard rumblings of a God Hates Shrimp counter-protest. I don't know however, if there will be too big of a showing as Seacoast Rep's response was to half their ticket price for this show, with the rationale that getting everybody inside to actually watch the play is the action most contrary to what WBC wants.

Comment Re:Waton's Wagering and HAL 9000 (Score 1) 674

It was probably intentional that they did not give it a realistic, human-sounding voice. Research has shown that people do not want machines to appear too human. They react negatively.

Watson's speech synthesis sounded pretty comparable to the stuff I deal with every day (I work with speech generating devices for people with communication disabilities). Given that IBM already owns voice software, they probably used an off-the-shelf product from one of the other divisions of the company. I doubt that adding a custom voice was part of the mission of the Watson project.
I'm not sure, regardless of the voice, that Watson would fall into the Uncanny Valley anyway. It wasn't even slightly human-like. And I've not seen any research that talks about an auditory-only Uncanny Valley. (If such a phenomenon existed, I'm pretty sure I'd have heard of it).

Comment Re:Poor Teacher Compensation (Score 1) 947

I would love for there to be more conservatives in education. Unfortunately, conservatives believe in _self-interest_ and are therefore unwilling to take positions at considerably below their market value. Currently our schools rely more on _altruism_ for retention than on providing staff with adequate market compensation. And the people motivated by altruism, surprise, surprise, are overwhelmingly Democrats. That's what happens when you insist that people take a difficult and poorly compensated job out of the goodness of their heart

I agree with your entire post and would add something else--not that long ago, the only reason we were able to get qualified people at all is because teaching was one of the only jobs women could get after getting a degree. While it hasn't been like that for a few decades, a lot of teachers (my mother among them) who went into teaching because they couldn't have a career as a scientist after getting a degree in science, are at retirement age and we as a society are having trouble replacing them because teaching pays so poorly compared to other options.

Comment Re:let's each make our own stuff (Score 1) 489

But then what do you do with the irrelevant people? If we're all actually honest about the situation, we have too many people and not enough for them to do.

This has been my question. You can't run a country like a business, because in a business you can lay off redundant people and they go away. Because of productivity gains, GDP is back where is was before the crash, but we still have 9% (really more like 17%) unemployment. We just don't need those millions of people we laid off back in 2008 for anything, but they stubbornly continue to exist.

Comment Re:Did they ask how many want it (Score 1) 402

My brother is a professional farmer for a big corporate-owned outfit. They just had their entire property (thousands of acres) set up with wireless broadband. He controls and monitors all the irrigation pumps for all the crops and sends/receives GPS map updates to and from their server from a laptop in his pickup. Yeah, I realize that's an intranet, but I know he checks and sends email over that network, so it has to be connected to the outside world, too. Not to mention incorporating the real-time weather into their irrigation planning. Farmers are certainly using the Internet!

Comment Re:does it really flirt with greatness? (Score 1) 392

I watched the first half season worth of season one (7 episodes), and not a single one was good, or even not bad. Just terrible, really terrible. Painful to watch even.

I thought the same thing. I wouldn't recommend starting here to anyone.

Did it take a radical turn for the better later on?

Like nothing I've ever seen. The quality shot up like a rocket. I would love to hear the inside story of how they turned it around.

Comment Re:V bad scifi? (Score 1) 392

I didn't see the "souls" episode of V, but I saw an episode with some bullshit "the aliens can't understand human love" theme. I gave them a chance to get me back for a new season, but there is just no way I'm going to sit through that. At least Fringe got better in season 2 and better still in the 3rd. V was awful in its first season and what I saw there was even worse.

Comment Re:LOL@"Progressives" (Score 1) 2166

Most of Slashdotters are very Liberal, and the victim was both.

No, Rep. Gifford is not very liberal.

Nobody likes own-side casualties, but politics is war

No, it isn't. Politics is the process by which large organizations make decisions between various options. It's not fucking war!

If someone had whacked a TeaPartista the response here would be more muted.

I doubt this, but I have no way to prove it one way or the other.

It's OK to admit we take sides, have enemies, and cheer their misfortune (or just plain want them to FUCKING DIE!). Human nature, nothing to see here. We should expect those we disagree with to wish us death also. There is no victory without defeat.

What the hell is wrong with you?

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