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Comment Re:Pay people more (Score 1) 325

"Once energy prices rise, they rarely fall to previous levels. Energy companies pocket the massive profits and then keep prices up. If the government owns the energy company and forces it to sell to consumers at a reasonable rate, rather than market rate, that doesn't happen. Then people don't want such huge pay increases, overall inflation is lowered as reduced energy costs keep retail overheads down etc."

Excellent! Now explain how that idea couples with "zero growth" green nuttery.... moreover, energy companies are not the reason for the high prices, the insane green policies are. And your solution is to totally disband with (barely existing at this point) competition and put energy into the hands of the people who screwed it incessantly over the last 30 years? A coupon system perhaps? "Citizen, you have had your allowance of hot showers for the month! We are turning your heaters off."

So, instead of artificially scarce energy market, created by politicians that drove the prices though the roof we will continue to have scarcity, determined by a faceless bureaucrat in the name of saving the planet AND it will be expensive.

Comment Re: Not New (from Musk) (Score 1) 158

The reverend mother:

'People used machines to enslave other people.'

I used to think EM was warning about skynet stuff and I thought we are far away from that (conscious machines).

The danger, however, outlined by Frank Herbert is indeed present and real.

To boot, the AI would be able to do what no one ever could. To analyse humanity. Every aspect of it and their interconectons. Everything. Soon, in real time.

This is power beyond imagination. How will these tools be used? Who will use them? For what purpose?

We see already the power to manipulate the entire discourse of the civilization implemented and fully operational.

We see the first decent chat bot being immediately "politically corrected" while pretending to be reliable and trusted "source of thruth".

But all of this is child's play....for now.

The people that'd certainly use it to dominate all are hard at work behind the scenes. Just like every ground breaking technology so far, it will be fist used as a weapon...and if there are survivals perhaps they might learn to use it responcibly.

Consider this. There's never been a case in history when society that has gone off course and heading for a catastrophy course corrected in time and averted the disaster. The catastrophy was the correction.

But our collective power is beginning to reach god like magnitude. Which makes further correcting catastrophies ever more devastating with ever smaller chance of survival.

Comment The world is greener. (Score 1) 41

Thanks to increased CO2 the world is already about 15% greener than 20th century. Surely, the deforestation of the tropics is not a great idea along with totalitarian agriculture, mono crops (palm oil, soy, grains, no animal husbandry to restore the top soil).

Still, do not worry too much. The average temperature of Earth is directly proportional to the total biomass of life. Cold is death, warmth is life.

Comment The most important issue (Score 0) 248

The most important issue is overlooked. Of course!

And that is the fact that gain of function research has very limited (mostly imaginary) benefit while carrying enormous risks. You will never get a monster from Nature that is as terrible as the ones created in the lab.

More and more research groups around the world are doing this research. One, there is no 100% safe lab procedure even if everyone is on their best behavior. Two, proliferation of the research opens more and more possibilities for sabotage and criminal behavior.

This topic was brought up in 2014. US instituted a ban. The ban was circumvented by exporting the research abroad.

Prior to TDS some of the wokesters were on board with scrutinizing this aspect of our lives and called for reevaluation of the risk/benefits of gain of function research. Alas, after Science itself turned out to have been instrumental in circumventing the ban, woksters now consider the most prolific criminals in the US economy (big pharma) the saints of the day so....this research will only expand further.

Whatever you do to yourself, no one else can do!

Comment Re: A line from an old movie (Score 1) 174

The anti truth that dietary cholesterol is linked to your blood levels was disproved and quietly taken off the list of dietary "recommendations" approximately 25 years ago. Check it out.

But I'm not surprised anymore. After all, the worst anti truth of all, that we will suffer from overpopulation was disproved in 1994 (peak child, check it on e.g. worldmeter.com). Soon it will be 30 years and yet 75% of westerners hold that most anti human, abominable opinion.

Hell, people still believe eating carrots betters your vision....

Comment Re: Anyone try it? (Score 1) 174

It is not possible to imitate meat while being more "green".

You have a sheep. This organism is a result of the most gigantic and most expensive R&D project on Earth. Evolution.

From basic principles it is absolutely impossible to obtain the hundreds of necessary components in meat....the fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins etc. via some kind of industrial process and then successfully mesh them in artificial meat ( the delivery mechanism alone will screw you; that's why most probiotics and multivitamin pills are not effective) and then claim that this artificial, ineffective, poor substitute is cheaper or greener....it's the scam of the century.

And even if you are able to reproduce all the health benefits of meat and fat, your product will never be cheaper or greener than....a sheep.

Not only the statesment "feeding the world with animal products is unsustainable" which alway gains +5 here is false, it is in fact, an anti truth.
With 75 % of the Earth's land surface being grass, the cheapest, most sustainable way is to graze animals

Then there's the half a billion diabetics around the world plus myriad of metabolic deaseases that are all thr consequence of the anti truth that saturated fat should be the smallest part of our food pyramid instead of the largest.
Do you know what is the rate of cardiology problems in society that eats mostly animal fat? Zero. Not small. Zero.

The inverted piramid food scam has produced more victims worldwide than all the wars AND atrocities of the 20 century combined.

The three worst attitudes that most westerners hold are all anti truths. That there are too many people on the planet. That animal products are worse for your health and the environment. That solar and wind will successfully and cheaply replace fossil fuels.

In short:

Make kids.
Eat animal products .
Build nukes.

Instead, your big Pharma recently declared that their new trillion dollar R&D effort is going to cure......obesity. Enough said.

Comment Re: Pollution, plastics in particular (Score 1) 289


So, this phthalate poisoning is godsend to a number of lunatics.

One, it gladens the hearts of the genocidal 'there's too many people on Earth' Gretins and their globalist handlers.

Second, turning men unto women and vice versa is, of course, the goal of every good, humanistic, progressive society!

Finding a substitute for the plastisizers is trivial chemicaly. It will cost money to change manufacturing of course.
Noone will do anything about it though, because see above...the greed will hide behind genocidal 'activism'.

Every generation's ideals are used as a cover up of its greatest steal!

Comment Re: Looming fertility crisis (Score 1) 289

Why is it, that the most genocidal statement (fallacious too, since peak child was in 1994) anyone can come up with i e. "There's too many people on Earth" always gets +5 here.

Ate you, people, that evil (denying the existence of 1.8 billion Africans) or just wickedly ignorant (which amounts to the same thing)

It bogles the mind...

Submission + - UK's First Nuclear Fusion Plant To Be Built By 2040 (bbc.com)

An anonymous reader writes: A power station has been chosen to be the site of the UK's, and potentially the world's, first prototype commercial nuclear fusion reactor. Fusion is a potential source of almost limitless clean energy but is currently only carried out in experiments. The government had shortlisted five sites but has picked the West Burton A plant in Nottinghamshire. The plant should be operational by the early 2040s, a UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) spokesman has said. The government had pledged more than 220 million pounds for the STEP (Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production) program, led by the UKAEA.

The Local Democracy Reporting Service said the project would replace the coal-fired power station site — owned by French energy giant EDF — which is set to be closed this year. Matt Sykes, managing director of EDF's Generation business, said: "We are absolutely delighted that the UKAEA has selected the West Burton site in Nottinghamshire to host the UK's first fusion reactor. "The area has been associated with energy generation for over 60 years. Developing such an exciting new project continues this tradition and has the potential to transform both the region and the UK's long-term energy supply."

Comment Re: Carl Sagan was right (Score 1) 88

Well, he won a court case against Twitter and is now back on the platform.

He is receiving internal Twitter info (judge granted discovery) regarding his case and published it on substack.

Turns out Twitter was pressured by the US government to shut him down. The chap is now suing the US government over 1st amendment violation.

BTW, Twitter employees did not see his posts as misinformation and acted only after the government stepped in.

And nothing in that post is misinformation in any way. It is, in fact, the truth.

Comment Re: Clickbait (Score 1, Flamebait) 223

Not really. The critics would lose their job if they don't follow the party line. Pure and simple.

I grew up in a society where art and entertainment were subservient to politics. The result is utter shit. Noone watched the Soviet and local nonsense no matter how many articles by 'critics' were praising the shite. But people would sleep in front of theaters to see real art from the West, as much as passed the censors. The rest would be passed secretly from hand to hand once the home video became a thing. Same for music and books.

When you have black critics cancelled because they 'spoiled' the perfect 100% score of Black Panther on RT you know what's going on. Nevertheless, this mediocre film with terribly bad writing and message is sharing top places with timeless clasics on IMDB....enough said.

People's taste is always right. Today, when so many people participate all personal idiosyncrasies and agenda's are smoothened and the result is truly accurate and honest assessment. Whereas 'critics' are few and easily scared, bought or bullied in compliance.

21st century cinema is a disaster. The tide is turning somewhat since even Disney cannot afford to lose money indefinitely.

When you have endless woke drivel where the 'artist' declare upfront that all kinds of -ists would hate the movie and that is 'a good thing', you know what's going on.

And that's coming from moraly deprave Holywood assholes who scammed America from trilions of dollars through their 'accounting', who harbored and encouraged despicable people such as H.W. You know what's going on.

You can't have good story when the diversity hires cannot be anything else but insufferable Mary Sues.

Anyway that's all from me today. Go away now!

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