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Comment Re:"depraved indifference" (Score 1) 464

Tech unemployment in 17Q1 in the US is 2.5%. That's a national rate, so it is skewed by SV, Austin, NYC, etc., but it's a pretty good market for employees and a pretty tough market for recruiting employers.

But you are taking my "leave and find another job" humorously literally. I agree it would be more prudent to get another job first.

Comment Re:"depraved indifference" (Score 2, Insightful) 464

There's a problem in your employment relationship, and it is likely really holding your career back. If it's the company, you should leave and find an employer who is less dysfunctional.

If it's not the company, then it's your own attitude.

Companies certainly are never perfect, but in general they operate in their interest, which in general is keeping their strong people happy. I worry about my strong people leaving all the time -- as I'm falling asleep at night, on weekends, etc.

There's also a group of people that is just good enough that they're still here, but I don't worry at all about them leaving. I guess that also could be a potential explanation for what you're experiencing.

Comment Re:Of Course (Score 3, Insightful) 464

You don't want a company treating you as the adversary, and no company wants employees who treat the company as the adversary. Take be macho emotion bullshit out and determine what outcome you want. Do what is most likely to get you that outcome. Creating a finger-on-the-button scenario and betting on who will blink first will have an unpredictable outcome and is completely, 100% unnecessary.

Comment Re:Of Course (Score 1) 464

This is terrible advice. You can achieve the same outcome by raising the issue with your boss and making clear that only being able to use x% of your time off, which you consider part of your compensation, bothers you greatly. If he/she needs you more than you need them, you will see a change to keep you happy. If you need them more, taking parent's dumb advice will get you terminated for cause.

Comment Unlimited time off (Score 1) 464

Meanwhile, millennials love "unlimited time off" vacation policies. Use it or lose it policies are a major reason employees use what little time off they do use. Companies love UTO because you use less time off and we don't have to carry the liability or deal with complicated accrual accounting. Or pay out any PTO balance when you quit. Great work, millennials.

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