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Comment Right Step! Right Guys? (Score 3, Interesting) 123

We've seen companies opening up in the past and often they started closing down again after time. Let us hope they stay open and even more, let us hope it works for them from a business perspective, so that other companies may follow.
As long as the guys in the suits think they make more money by closing down, we still have a problem.

Comment Re:Deutsche Post's far ahead (Score 3, Informative) 92

I live in Leipzig (500.000ppl in Eastern Germany) and we have 18 Packstationen. I think they are pretty well placed and I would hazard a guess that about 80 to 90% of the population would be within 10 bike minutes of one. But since you decide where you want it send, you are usually near one.
I always let them send packages to the Packstation near my university. So I can get my package during break. Lots of people let their packages being sent to a Packstation near work or on the way between work and home.

Comment Deutsche Post's far ahead (Score 5, Interesting) 92

In Germany we have a similar but general system called "Packstation" (package station). Everybody can get an access code and everybody and every company can send a package to any Packstation in the country (there's one for every 50.000 to 100.000 people). You can get automated round-the-clock access via electronic card and a pin-code.
You can also drop off packages. You get an email and sms when a package for you arrived. All in all, pretty nifty system.

And it doesn't cost a cent more than having it delivered to your house.

Comment But Guns are easy (Score 1) 254

The mouse and the gamepad are very good to simulate 3D-Dimensional motion, as are the Graphics Cards. Having a game that works with space is easy because it is modelled after reality.
So having a game around the notion of moving things through space at a specific target is an easy concept. Acquiring control over said space through excertion of force is easy to grasp as well.

I think there was an article on RPS some time ago that talked about how the video game controls are specifically suited to manipulate a world physically instead of emotionally or through dialogue. And what better physical interaction is there than punching?

Comment Re:What a Surprise (Score 1) 786

It's like I said globals warming doesn't exist. I just said that it could be considered common knowledge, with what temperatures the romans had to deal with. And because of that, the content of the article came as no surprise to me.

And to say "they did so because they were there" is no good evidence. The Vikings lived on Greenland, as long as they were able to grow their crops. One could argue that the Romans left Britain (or did not expend more energy on holding it) because they stopped being able to make vine and transport over those distances was unfeasible.

How's that for a Reality-check? ;)

Comment What a Surprise (Score 5, Interesting) 786

Yeah, you can ask anybody who studied antique history. We all know that the romans grew wine in England. How do people think they managed to do that? Of course it was warmer back then than nowadays.
And then in the 1750's we had a very cold period where we can deduce from paintings that the East Sea was often frozen shut in the winter.

Is this really news to anybody?

Comment All in all? (Score 1) 280

Well, there's about 16GB Solid State on my phone, 8 more on my mp3-Player and about the same on various usb-drives. Compared to 6TB internal and 1TB external HDD-storage, well
I don't see how I will get a significant impact on the SSD-percentage of my storage without winning the lottery.

Comment Magnets in your body? That's nice. (Score 4, Insightful) 228

It is nice but I rather be augmented sensewise than fashionwise by these magnets. I'd love one in my fingertip that induces a current whenever I am very near alternating current. Would give us the ability to feel electric energy or magnetic fields in general.
Regarding the iPod: Actually, my pocket works very good, Thank you!

Comment Re:Ugh (Score 4, Insightful) 188

Funnily enough, this is almost exactly how it works in Germany. There is a pre-ordered and published list but we have a mixed system where you can vote for your district's candidate directly and the guy or girl who wins a district overrides his position (if placed) in the list. But the list/party-vote guarantees that the party is at least that represented.
And if there are more candidates that won directly than the percentage would allow for (in terms of representation), we add seats to the parliament in order for every directly elected representative to have his place.

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