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Comment Re:Pointless. (Score 1) 106

Lets not forget the copyright warning letters stuff that was also passed under the "emergency Christchurch" whatever it was. The guy is a crook. But not as stupid as he looks, for example copyright warning letters from ISPs is only for NZ copyright material *and* it has to go to a tribunal to disconnect the person. So none of this automated DCMA letter crap.

Comment Re:The facts are irrelevant! (Score 1) 398

Bad statistics is bad statistics. Suck it up or get the statistics right. I don't care what side is spinning what. I am always going to call deliberately misleading statistics out. Yea when its deliberate, is because their is an axe to grind. Regardless if that axe "drugs are awesome" or "beer is evil" or "all hurricanes are SUVs fault". It is done far too often in the scientific community by people that should know better.

Yea its old but i have been sick.

Comment Re:disclosure (Score 1) 448

Clearly you don't know many scientists. Scientists, and by association the science they do, has no more integrity than anything else done by people. There are many examples, of bad reviews to people they don;t like, to flat out make shit up. Then there is grant review pannels and well the list keeps on going. Oh and in the US about 1/4 of or salary is suppose to be made up in grants in many universities.

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