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Comment Re: Looking more and more likely all the time... (Score 3, Informative) 518

Oh i read them. The NASA ones. And quite frankly they are shit. And rightly didn't get properly published.

You do know that a reactionless drive means not only that momentum is not conserved. But that the laws of physics are different in different places. Also that energy is not conserved. A reactionless drive is always a over unity device. Or are you just batting for your beloved germans. Perhaps if this was done properly i would take them more seriously. But a magazine and a talk (not peer reviewed) don't count.

Also you really don't know your physics all that well.

Comment Re: Looking more and more likely all the time... (Score 2) 518

No it has not been repeatedly validated. It has not been peer reviewed even once. It has not been properly published because like this. They report findings in a magazine. Experiments soo sloppy you should ignore them even if they were testing credible science. They are not, so the standards should be much much much higher.

I mean do you really think the laws of physics are different in different places? Cus that has to be true for this to be true.

Conservation of energy? This is a over unity device if it works?

Seriously it doesn't work. Which is why they are not publishing in proper place but rather giving a talk. It won't stand up to even basic scrutiny.

Comment Re: Looking more and more likely all the time... (Score 2) 518

There is ZERO science behind this. NONE. They have no viable working theory as to why it would even work. EM theory is very well tested and developed. It predicts no thrust. Momentum is conserved, relativity is fine and energy is conserved (all 3 must be false if this works). The last 400 years of experiments were not accidents.

Comment Re:Blimey (Score 1) 518

Don't hold your breath. Just like the nasa guys, even they way they publicise this should put your hinky meter all the way to red. This is not just a violation of momentum, but of relativity and energy conservation. And its is yet another sloppy experiment with sloppy reporting. And like many cases like this before, it will turn out to be nothing. I bet you 1 years salary.

Comment Re:Blimey (Score 1, Informative) 518

Lets get one thing clear. They have shown no such thing. This is the 3rd non peer reviewed "look at my microwaves" report on this device. The link is to some internet magazine. This will turn out to be just like every other perpetual motion device. Experimental error, and mistakes and just straight out sloppy experimental work like the last 2. We know EM theory and practice very well and right now we have fans of result finding what they want to find.

Also any zero propellent drive is also an over unity device. Easy to prove.

Comment Re:Unsupported assertions (Score 1) 285

And you see.. No evidence (Washington post? Really? That is not a citation, this is not a wiki entry ). The actual studies show no such "bad for you" unless your drinking sea water in a desert. Canned food is not even close by an order of magnitude. I don't care what people believe. In god we trust, the rest of you *show me the data*. A lot of the "that is good for you, and this isn't" is literally MADE UP. You cannot show any solid data to back it up for the most part, because its just not true. Outside smoking, drinking alcohol a lot regularly, no exercise and don't be too overweight, we simply cannot say much with any scientific authority/backing at all.

Comment Re:Would not the oil start dissolving the parts? (Score 1) 67

Which is why its flammability will totally affect the permits on your ability to use the said oil dumbass. if it is not flammable and non toxic, such permits and handling procedures are easy and cheap. Which is why you want it to be non flammable! Back to the original post. Sheesh talking to wall here.

Comment Re:Unsupported assertions (Score 1) 285

There really is nothing to show that salt is bad for you. It was something that was popular to believe in the 70s. But if your also drinking water, there is nothing to show its bad for you. A huge chuck of Daily recommended intake is mostly made up. I really am not joking. There is no science behind it at all.

That is the problem. There is a lot of "good for you" and "bad for you" out there that is supported by nothing more than " i read it somewhere".

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