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User Journal

Journal Journal: Updates 8

Well this is weird... I'm currently running a distributed.net client on somebody else's open OpenVMS system.

Don't believe me? Free shell access to an OpenVMS cluster (2 machines).

It remains to be seen if they'll get pissed off. But they allow hacking (or at least attempted hacking) of their own machines, so I don't see why they'd mind me running a dnetc client. :P

FYI, I have an account on grex (cyberspace.org) as well. I also had an account on JM Apocalypse's box... you wanna recreate my account? I'd like to get my forums back up.

If I had broadband I'd give a few of my /. fans accounts on behemoth, but I don't.

In other news, I wrote a fork-bomb (a very simple fork-bomb) and my PIDs are getting close to 27K, in only 2 days of uptime.


Journal Journal: Memo to self: You're an idiot! 3

I am an absolute idiot. A fool. A moron, a klutz, a dork!

Okay, here's what happened: I submitted a patch to FreeVMS. Except that I never got FreeVMS to compile correctly and boot, patched or unpatched.

So I submitted a screwed-up patch. And now the FreeVMS guy probably thinks I'm some clueless idiot, and he's right.

Excuse me while I smack myself. *smack*

*smack* *smack*

Now I'm going to go hang my head in shame, and fix my patch. If you don't hear from me, I've probably hung myself with an ethernet cable.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 165 characters! 8

And it's still valid C! Thanks to my anonymous helper, plus some more experimenting on my own... the practically sig-sized JDWTopGuy.c (165 characters):

#include <stdio.h>
int main(){char c=0,x[]={37,34,43,1,42,55,1,56,35,1,58,1,60,1};while(printf("%c"+((c<14)?0:2),((x[++c]==1)?1:0)+(x[c]*2)));printf("\n");return 0;}

Obviously slashdot is messing with it, everything past the include should be on one line. BTW, this version prints "JDWTopGuy", not "JDWTOPGUY".

I haven't had a chance to test it on an linux box, but it compiles fine with gcc 3.1 on Mac OS X 10.2.8.


Journal Journal: That warm fuzzy feeling 8

Ahh! I finally submitted my patch to FreeVMS. Twice, actually. :P I accidentally included a screwed-up change in the first patch I sent.

Luckily the dude I sent it to was hip to the bad mojo, and I did a kind of snip-snip thang, and sent him a groovy new patch, daddy-o.

I have no idea what I just said. Anyway, my "little" patch was 887 lines long, with 26,564 characters. It eliminates a ton of compile-time warnings when compiling FreeVMS. (Several thousand lines of warnings, last time I checked.)

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Revolution Draws Nigh! 3

Err, whatever. How was your new years eve? Mine was boooring.

My old JE was getting stale (yes, I hadn't written one since last year, har har), so I decided to write a new one.

I should be getting my iBook before the end of the month. Which means I'll also get another PC, as part of the sale of my PowerBook.

I'm seriously considering making a case for my "new" PC out of these cardboard boxes I have... it'd be free, and better quality than those $30 cases online... I do need a PSU though.

Oh yeah, I have set a personal record... this win98SE box has been up for 7 days, 21 hours, and change. And yes, I've been using it... a lot. I've played Descent (DOS-based), Snood, run dnetc, used Firebird, AIM, and PuTTY. I've also connected and disconnected from network shares and stuff.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Even more pathetic... 11

The boredom meter was hitting dangerous levels again, so I turned the C program I posted in my last JE into a self-compiling, self-running program.

Basically, wrote a simple bash script that extracts the C program from itself (tail -n 17 $0 > tmp.c), then compiles the program, removes the temporary file, and runs the C program.

Isn't that thrilling?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Check dis out 3

You know you wanna try it... go ahead. It's C, should compile fine with any C compiler.

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
  char x[] = { 37,34,43,1,42,39,1,40,35,1,42,1,44,1 };
  int c;
  for( c = 0; c < 14; c++ ) {
    if( x[c + 1] == 1 )
      printf( "%c", ( ( ( x[c] * 2 ) ) + x[++c] ) );
      printf( "%c", ( x[c] * 2 ) );
  printf( "\n" );
  return 0;

(Yes, this is how bored I am.)

User Journal

Journal Journal: The day after 4

Ahh. For some reason I keep thinking how funny it would be to sing "I'm dreaming of a white Kwanzaa". Get it? A "white" kwanzaa?

Anyway, I got $130, chocolate, the spider-man game for PC, and a remote control Mini Cooper. I also had a glass of grape juice spilled on me (and it wasn't my fault).

That mini cooper is awesome, it's incredibly fast and it's a huge scale. I'm not sure what the scale is, but it's bigger than 1:6.

I have a hard decision to make. I'm replacing my PowerBook in the next month or so. I should have about $2,000 to spend. Do I buy a dual 1.25 GHz PowerMac G4, or do I stick with the iBook/PowerBook? I would like to have the PowerMac for its power and SuperDrive, but I do like to take my computer to friends' houses. What do you think?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Christmas Eve 7

Well, here it is, Christmas Eve.

My parents seem to have bought me some gift in a box bigger than my little brother. I didn't ask for anything this year, so I'm curious... I did mention wanting one of those R/C Hummer H2s, but I didn't ask them to buy it for me. That reminds me, I should go downstairs and shake the box. ;)

Anyway, I have a new PC in my cluster... the aforementioned "Tiburon", another 166MHz Pentium system. I was planning to overclock it to 200MHz, but it wouldn't even boot Linux or Win95 when overclocked (too unstable).

Slackware 9.1 has an improved install system. You pop thru the package selection menus, then all the packages are installed while you go get another coke. (Previously, you went through each category and waited for those packages to install before moving on to the next category.) The only way it could be better would be if it started installing packages in the background.

Speaking of the cluster, I'm quite annoyed that Feztaa has managed to pass me in the distributed.net stats. *glares* I'm running my cluster again, so we'll see if I can catch up. :P

So anyway, what are y'all doing today & tomorrow?


Journal Journal: Paris Hilton 6

Paris Hilton is an ugly ho. She looks like some kind of frickin' alien. Who likes skeletons anyway?

Um... yeah, like that had anything to do with spam. YMMV. HAND.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Naming systems 7

Okay... I just traded an ethernet hub for a PC. Yes, I'm a pathetic geek with no life. Anyway, I need to name it, and I have yet to think of anything. So I was wondering...

How do you name your systems?

United States

Journal Journal: +5, Flamebait: Thoughts on Kwanzza 4

I just posted this on MacSlash in response to a troll. FYI, I'm a white hispanic american. And yes, these are my actual thoughts on the whole issue, but not all of them. ;P

Kwanzza (or however the **** you spell it) isn't even an african thing, it's just the invention of the misguided blacks who think they need to "be african". If you want to be african, move to africa. Stop thinking "African American" and start thinging "A Frickin' American".

Africa is a sucky place in a sucky condition, so why the hell would you want to imitate africans? They've obviously screwed themselves up even beyond americans. (And I'm very pro-american, I live in the US, born in the US. I'm just giving a comparison.)


Journal Journal: Finally

I finished Descent, on the easiest difficulty level. I even found three secret levels (I believe that's all of them), and yadda yadda yadda.

So now I'm going to replay the game at the next difficulty level. w00t!

Oh yeah, I upgraded my athlon box to 2.4.23, and downloaded disc 1 of slackware 9.1. That means I haven't got all the KDE junk, but I can always install the slack 9.0 KDE junk if I want it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: About me 8

Hi, I'm JDWTopGuy. I don't use my real name because I think that if you want privacy, you gotta do your part.

I'm a mac bigot, a linux bigot. My favorite prompt is:

export PS1='[\u@\h:\w]\$ '

My favorite linux distro is Slackware. I program in REBOL and Java.

I think that any computer not running distributed.net is a computer being wasted. I don't waste my computers.

I think that Descent is the greatest computer game next to 4x4 Evolution 2.

I'm a talk radio addict. Limbaugh & Hannity, thank you very much.


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