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Comment Re:As a KDE user... (Score 1) 155

Exactly, it's so cool use a custom theme on desktop... of course, just eyecandy, but this was one of the cool features about open source desktops: configure it in your way. Gnome 3 is the worst case, in my opinion: they're removing a lot of important features, saying "nobody" uses, aiming the "convergence".

KDE4, in the latest releases, become stable and fast, but this was what we got on KDE3 years ago...

So, basically, now each 2 years, we have the same cycle where Linux desktops starts a migration to a new library, throwing away all existing applications.

I have to assume that I'm thinking about Mac OS too for desktops. But none of we talked here applies to Linux as a server.

Comment As a KDE user... (Score 5, Interesting) 155

... I gave a chance to Unity about 3 months ago, with 12.04 LTS. I liked the desktop disposition (Mac global menu with side launcher), and the general integrated look and feel. Use of apt-get is really nice (as in Debian), and with use of PPAs I can keep almost all my software update to date in a global way. Almost all configurations are simple, which helps new users. Driver support is good (I just had to setup the hybrid graphical cards with Bumblebee). In the other side, I thought the fonts were a bit big, and I don't like the dark theme. How to text font sizes? Install third part software. How to install new themes? Install other third part software (themes is one of the most cool features of Linux DEs!). Can I change the duration of notification? Re-position launcher? No, no, only using more third part softwares. But ok, in my mind, all the problems can be fixed in the future. Then I started to look into launchpad to see the bugs opened, and the future plans. Almost all important issues related to Unity are still open, with almost no comments from Canonical (usually in KDE we have an official dsposition after few hours). Most of Canonical efforts then are focused in "convergence", which my question is "who asked for?". As the future Ubuntu phones will not use the same desktop applications, why I need a new Linux based device? I'd love if Canonical works in better integration with Android: the MTP support is a joke (stop to work after few minutes), and would be nice to attend my mobile calls with my desktop headset, read my SMS on systray, etc. I think that offer a better support for the most popular linux based mobile will be a nice flag. And then, I tested the new Ubuntu version. And I saw that I have Amazon over all the places: in desktop search, in the launcher, all activated by default. Why this? In these days of all the concerns about NSA and privacy, why not sell the "you're using an open source product with all the privacy concerns" flag? If they want financial support, why not allow users to donate, like on KDE? (I'm a KDE e.V. member). I remember too, the old Mandrake club, where users have access few days earlier than "normal" users. In my minds, it's a shame that the most talked Linux distribution has enabled, by default, a shareware scheme. And the worst: the dash search do not works well. I have avidemux installed, and if I type "demu", I got nothing. If I want to run the calculator, and I type "calc", I'll get "OpenOffice Calc" as first result. So, I mean, I can understand when Canonical choose the Unity way. Gnome team is out of this planet, removing all basic features from applications, and forcing a tablet/mobile interface too. But I cannot understand why force the shareware behavior, or other duplicate efforts, like Mir, Ubuntu mobile, etc.

Comment Re:RTS, steering games, and what else? (Score 1) 319

Nice discussion :) But, basically what you want is a traditional action gamepad game to be played in a touch screen. In the other side, TD games are not very nice to be played in a gamepad. I'm being the Obvious Captain, but some kinds of games are better with the appropriate controls. TD, race, fps, strategy games, balloon trip (as you said) are better in touch. Action games are better in a gamepad. Others are nice to play with a keyboard + mouse. Others with a joystick (flying or space simulators). Sports games with motion controls (Wii Sports). Dance games with capture controls. Etc.

Comment Re:Offline reading, platformers, and remote deskto (Score 1) 319

All these games (Jetpack Joyride, Rayman, Temple Run, Plants vs Zombies, Minions Rush) are not focused on gamepad gameplay. I.e., they do not rely on the player ability to press a combination of one-of-the-eight-directions + an action button. They rely on "touch in the correct moment", with some combination of the accelerometer (motion control).

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