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iOS Tops Android For Number of New App Projects From Developers 122

Analytics firm Flurry recently posted a report comparing the new projects being undertaken by developers for mobile apps on Android and iOS. According to their data, significantly more projects are started for iOS than for Android. The gap has been slowly shrinking over the past few quarters, but it's still bigger than it was a year ago. "For every 10 apps that developers build, roughly 7 are for iOS. While Google made some gains in Q1 2012, edging up to over 30% for the first time in a year, we believe this is largely due to seasonality, as Apple traditionally experiences a spike in developer support leading up to the holiday season." The iPad's dominance of the tablet market is one of several reasons for the gap. "In Flurry’s estimation, the fragmentation of the Android platform is increasing the cost and complexity of app development, perhaps curbing third-party investment in software."

Comment Re:Real science means listening to scientists (Score 1) 759

So out of the 4 billion years the planet has been around, you have an anecdote about the last 10 and that is somehow a valid point to bring? I'm not even trying to say one way or the other but when people bring things up like this, it is so pointless. You have no idea what that means...that might be completely irrelevant to anything. Your examples about the mudslides and flooding could be more relevant but're basing this on...what exactly?

Comment Re:And people wonder why the US holds it so tightl (Score 5, Insightful) 284

And yet it's still the best option. No seriously though...I'm not saying this as "I AM AN AMURICAN" but moreso as...look at the shit the rest of your countries do with it. We have certainly fallen a long way, but the freedom of speech is still the most sacred right here and that affects things in a way that is very beneficial to the internet...even if we do fuck up sometimes. The thing is...our fuck ups seem small in comparison to the things that the nations of the UN would want to do. As the GP said...they tend to err toward censorship and the one thing I can still be proud of my country for is that they have an almost mindlessly addicted devotion to free speech.

Comment Re:Is it "too real"? (Score 1) 607

Yes, everything new sucks and if you like what I don't like you're a Cheetos eating moron. Maybe you're just pretentious. :)

Plenty of shit around sure. I would not go so far as to say *most* of it is crap. A lot of it maybe but isn't that true of most time periods? I think people tend to look at the past and forget how much shit came out during their own life times. Rose colored glasses and all that. If you can't even acknowledge that, then I don't know what to say to you.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 403

You know what? Now you're just being ridiculous. Things aren't great here but your governments over there in Europe aren't exactly a shining bastion of freedom and transparency. Let's not forget that it is those governments who agreed to do this in the first place. To compare us to China, Cuba, or North Korea is hyperbolic and you're either trolling or stupid. If you want to have a real discussion, how about we stop comparing people to Nazis and quit trying to compare every country that does something creepy to fucking China or Iran. Are you being serious right now? Surely you must be trolling.

I'm not thrilled to see my government do this either. I honestly cannot believe the types of things that other countries agree to do for us. It's almost like our government keeps trying just to see how far they'll bend over backwards for us. It is astounding. It's bad enough they're already doing this to us (which I have a serious problem with) but to start doing it to people in other countries is unfathomable. I have no idea why any country would do this unless they wanted to use it as an excuse to collect the information for themselves.

I may have stumbled onto the real reason this is happening while writing this post, huh? :)

Comment Re:Haven't had bad luck lately... (Score 1) 513

Thank you. I was thinking the exact same thing and looked around for a similar comment. I've been going to Fry's all my life and I'll be damned if they don't have the best deals AND knowledgeable staff. You know what else? They pay commission in some areas and somehow they don't screw me. They get kind of irritating with their damn Fry's card stuff sometimes but I can deal with that. I ask them what I want and I get a real answer instead of the stream of bullshit I get from someone at Best Buy. I mean, I have heard some truly ridiculous shit to the point that I've walked up to people after a BB sales rep left and explained to them why what they just heard was complete bullshit. I'm not a particularly vocal person about these things most of the time but just...damn. The Frys sales people don't seem to be anywhere near as scummy as the people I deal with at Best Buy and Fry's actually has good prices. Not okay prices or decent prices...GOOD prices. I've bought many things on sale and if I need some weird ass cable or part, I know I can go and get it at Fry's.

I will say though that if I'm buying a video game and I want to go in town, I'd much prefer Best Buy/Fry's over Gamestop. Gamestop is even worse than Best Buy. At least I can walk into a damn Best Buy and 90% of the time I can buy a brand new game on release day without a preorder.

Comment Re:never heard of tinymce (Score 1) 366

You usually see this on forums and other places where you would post things on the internet. I think Joomla and the CMS of the like use it too. Think of making a post on Slashdot with all the formatting showing up the way it will look when you post it (you see bolded text instead of a bold tag) or as the other guy said, a WYSIWYG editor.

Comment Re:Boo Hoo (Score 1) 366

To be fair, most of the things that would break would be addons doing things you couldn't do in other browsers anyway, I'd bet. You can tinker with a considerably larger number of things in Firefox than you can with any other browser.

What are all these addons everyone says are broken on each update anyway? Serious question here. I haven't really had that issue with my Firefox and I have a fair number of extensions. I went to use my Firefox again and got an update and all my stuff still worked (I'd been using Chrome) and everything seemed fine. Some extensions on the addon site said they wouldn't be compatible but I downloaded, installed them, and they worked anyway.

Comment Re:Who cares? (Score 1) 349

So what if they sue? People sue for stupid shit all the time and trying to counteract it with this kind of stupidity doesn't help at all. It would make me want to sue them for suspending my kid over something retarded. Zero tolerance policies are for morons who can't think critically about a situation and apply the appropriate reaction. If you cannot read and understand the intent of a rule and enforce it accordingly then you shouldn't be in charge of enforcing rules. If the kid making death threats and telling people to go fuck themselves gets to court, I have a hard time believing the little shit is going to get a lot of sympathy.

We're going to waste tax payer money on this either way so they might as well just go back to being reasonable rather than pissing everyone with their zero tolerance idiocy.

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