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Comment Re:Stick with Win7 (Score 1) 545

"However, you won't be too happy when you get a new machine that doesn't come with anything other than 9."
That will not happen for a long time. I can buy lots of brand new business class machines with windows 7 on it right now and Dell will not stop doing it as long as 90% of all the corporations are demanding it.

Windows 7 will be available on a new machine sold by competent PC makers for a few more years at least.

Comment Re:Crouching Microtransactions, Hidden DRM (Score 1) 292

Absolutely. I was going to buy Destiny but waited for the initial reviews. and there are a LOT of people pissed off because it's unplayable if you don't have a super fast internet connection.

So that means that playing in the evening when everyone is streaming Netflix and Hulu you cant freaking play the $70 video game because Bungie is too stupid to realize that not everyone has an OC3 to their house.

So I'm passing on it the same way I passed on titanfall. and it sounds like it's turning into a titanfall "meh" overall review as most of the game is so repetitive that it's not funny.

But then you also have crap games like BattleField 4 that is still so full of bugs that it's unplayable and they don't plan on fixing them. Overall the video game industry is dying, I used to spend at least $120 a month on games, I now haven't bought a new game in 2 months and I have stopped buying 0 day games completely after the bullshit that was Battlefield 4 Alpha-test edition.

Lastly I am done with freaking Online multiplayer. it's full of little 13 year old shitheads that only know how to be bouncing N00b-T00b's.

Comment Have they Denied? (Score 2, Interesting) 200

NSA officials were unable to find any evidence Snowden ever had.

This is essentially the "I do not recall" equivalent of paperwork investigations.

The essential question here is whether the NSA can conclusively deny that Snowden never raised concerns at the agency. Since if he did raise concerns, he probably would have raised them to people personally, a document search is not nessesarily going to uncover whether he did.

What will uncover this conclusively is a simple interview of NSA and affiliate company employees and especially supervisors who worked with Snowden. But since such a set of interviews would either a) reveal that he did raise concerns, b) involve people having to sign their names to untruths, or most unlikely c) reveal he really raised nothing, then I think it's easier for the NSA to just pretend that a half-assed email server word search constitutes an appropriate investigation.

Comment Re:First world problems. (Score 2) 610

Then dont be a idiot and have "auto download" turned on? This album did not magically appear on any of the 6 apple devices I own. I have to go and download it.

100% of the people complaining are the ones that have no clue how to use technology.

I on the other hand like U2 and then had to take some steps to rip the DRM out and convert to MP3 so I can play it on my HTC ONE M8 and my Android based car stereo. (I carry an iphone and and android daily, so yes I use both ecosystems heavily every day)

Comment Re:911 was down for us Friday night (Score 1) 610

Mine doesn't need this 15% swap space. but then I'm not a poor pleebe and I added 16Gb of ram to mine. I'm guessing the uneducated masses still running with 4GB of ram in any computer might need swap space.

All of it is attributed to retarded users. 100%

If you dont know the basics about computers, you dont deserve to own one.

Comment Re:to answer your last comment first (Score 1) 600

I can reload a 6 shot revolver in less than 2 seconds, guys that competition shoot can do it in less than that. bullet capacity is only a concern for dumb people that dont know anything about guns.

Do not be afraid of the moron with a 100 round drum magazine that is spraying randomly. Be afraid of the guy that holds his breath, takes a moment to aim and drops a round in your forehead with a bolt action single round rifle.

Only the dumbest of the dumb are concerned with magazine capacity. Because reloading near anything takes almost no time. And the police are not trained in a real firefight so they dont know what to do in one.

Comment Re:Not comparable (Score 1) 600

A hammer is a weapon of war that has been barely domesticated.
A Baseball Bat is a weapon of war that has been barely domesticated.
A long stick is a weapon of war that is barely domesticated.

I'm guessing you know nothing at all about "weapons of war".

Bows and arrows, crossbow, spears, rocks... go watch a skilled sling user, you can kill a man at a distance with some leather and a rock, and that is what it was designed for. Humans make crap to kill each other then discover , "hey this has more uses"!

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