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Comment Re:are we engineers or politicians? (Score 1, Funny) 465

the earth is getting warmer because

1. manmade effects 2. natural effects

which is the right answer?

well, i know a better answer: who cares?

My computer is overheating because

1. It has poor ventilation
2. There is a ghost in it

Which is the right answer?

Well, I know a better answer: who cares?

I wish the IT guy would stop trying to blame me, and telling me that I should take it out of the cabinet under my desk. I just want him to come up with a way to fix it, but one that doesn't assume that he's right about the poor ventilation while sanctimoniously discounting my ghost theory.

Comment Re:How many times do I have to say it? (Score 3, Interesting) 163

What seems more likely to me is that the next Xbox will run on x86-64, and basically run a stripped down version of Windows 8. So there would be no emulation fakery required. Sure, the first generation of games would require very expensive PCs, but three or four years down the road, a decent gaming PC could boot into "gaming mode" and play Xbox games easily.

Comment Re:And GMail gets a pass? (Score 2) 94

But everyone loves Google, and we all know Yahoo is a washed up has-been looking for any way to turn a profit to keep its zombie brain-eating existance alive. /snark

Pretty much. Google pulled out of China, at least in large part because they didn't like the hardline government there and the censorship they imposed. I respect that. Are they angels? No. But if we don't reward the companies that do right, what incentive do they have to do it? If enough consumers make choices in the companies we support based on their moral and ethical behavior, then we create an environment where companies compete to be perceived to be the most ethical. Hopefully, that will involve actually being ethical.

Comment Re:FCK Editor, anyone? (Score 1) 467

But it's still a slippery slope.

And this slippery slope leads to where? Package names that are completely inoffensive? Not all slopes are slippery, you know. If the package was named after a certain racial slur for blacks or referencing how much fun child pornography is, it wouldn't be allowed, so there's not total freedom now. There is some censorship right now, and the slope hasn't somehow slid the world of Python down into a totalitarian regime of... I don't know. Like, seriously, I cannot figure out where some people are scared politely enforced naming conventions will lead. Regardless, it hasn't led there yet, and not allowing names inoffensive to women isn't going to make the slope any more slippery. This slope has plenty of traction. Quit worrying about something so minor.

Comment What Good is 4G if You Can't Use It? (Score 1) 302

I already have a 3G android smartphone. It works just fine for what I need to do on my phone. I get email, I can surf the web, and I can stream music (but I don't go crazy with it). I very rarely use it for watching video. I just checked my usage this month, and I've just now cracked 2GB, about three weeks into my billing cycle. If I'm using this much data now, what happens when I get one of those 4G smartphones that they advertise showing people watching videos on them? If you're to watch those commercials, you'd think they were designed to be portable TVs more than phones. But even with their very hefty plans, you'll get overage pretty quickly pulling that much data down regularly.
My next phone will likely be Sprint, unless they go to a tiered pricing before my next contract is up. I know their 4G isn't as good as Verizon's.... but honestly, I can already stream Youtube video at 3G speeds if I put up with a little buffering, and Sprint's 4G is plenty fast enough to watch good quality video (the only thing I really see me needing 4G for any time in the foreseeable future). And, hey, you can actually USE it!

Comment Re:IT hates you too (Score 1) 538

My wife recently got a job at Microsoft. She raved about how great the work environment is there, about all the little freebies, all that stuff. About a week after she started, she told me "I just realized why it's so great there. For the first time, I'm working somewhere IT is the asset, not the expenditure."

I think that's the core of it, really.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Best Certifications To Get?

Hardhead_7 writes: Seeing the recent article on Slashdot about how much your degree is worth got me thinking. I've been working in the IT field for several years now, but I don't have anything to my name other than an A+ certificate and vendor specific training (ie, Dell certified). Now I'm looking to move up in the IT field, and I want some stuff on my resume to demonstrate to future employers that I know what I'm doing, enough that I can get in the door for an interview. So my question to Slashdot is this: What certifications are the most valuable and sought-after? What will impress potential employers and be most likely to help land a decent job for someone who doesn't have a degree, but knows how to troubleshoot and can do a bit of programming if needed?

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