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Comment Re:This isn't bad at all; it's a good thing! (Score 1) 517

So sure, Apple is the gatekeeper between the software world and their desktop devices. The App Store is that gate.

My copy of Steam disagrees. The App Store is just another delivery method for software.

You might as well try to make the same complaint about Ubuntu's Package Manager... Is it the dominant method for installing software on a Ubuntu machine? Yes. Is it guarded jealously by Ubuntu managers intent on preventing conflict, but ultimately preventing me from installing the latest and greatest? Yup. Is it the ONLY method? God no.

Comment Re:Abandonware? (Score 1) 418

The company bought the rights to the code, and has been making internal contributions to it for years. They (claim to have) pruned out any external contributions, so they become 100% the "original author". Copyright is not perpetual. Disney may keep getting it extended, but it does expire eventually. 10 years is barely what even the original copyright was good for.

Comment Every solution has hoops (Score 1) 403

Roku Box or WDTV, anyone? No hoops to jump through there...or, if you have an Xbox 360 or PS3, TVersity is a FANTASTIC solution.

By "hoops", I'm assuming the OP means "transferring your physical media to networked storage".

And you'll have to do that no matter what solution you use. The only difference is in what "hoops" you have to jump through. Some only need the DVD to be ripped. Others want it in divx or h.264 format.

I started out ripping all my movies to h.264, so I have very few "hoops" to jump through, and my files play on almost all devices out there, including ATV.

Comment Re:Apple "security" (Score 1) 299

The whole reason Apple locks down their products is because they are security doofuses that know they are incapable of protecting their delicate OS in an open environment.

Or they put minimal effort into the "security" because they know it's "good enough" to keep the layman locked down, and they don't worry too much about the 1% of us who hack their stuff, because they know they can't really stop us anyway and it's not worth the effort.

Comment Re:How is this different (Score 1) 371

"Clever" compared to simply changing the shape. Relatively speaking of course. And really, the only law that's a problem here is not the lack of "it's illegal to design a new connector", which is asinine in itself, is the law preventing 3rd party manufacturers from making compatible connectors. THAT law is the TRWTF.

Submission + - India unveils $30 tablet PC (

An anonymous reader writes: The Indian minister of human resource development Kapil Sibal unveiled, what is possibly the world's cheapest tablet PC. It is tentatively priced at Rs 1,500) about $30. The minister expects the prices to drop down to Rs 500 (about $10) when the mass production starts.

Submission + - Malaria drug bleaches hair white (

sciencehabit writes: In the The New England Journal of Medicine, researchers report the case of a woman who overdosed on chloroquine, a drug commonly used to fight the malaria parasite. Instead of taking the doctor recommended dose of 500 milligrams per week, she mistakenly took 500 milligrams per day, a dosage that bleached her blond hair white. The researchers say such "hypopigmentation" occurs because chloroquine poisons pigment-producing cells in hair follicles. But there's an upside: The finding could be a boon to the multibillion-dollar hair color industry, which has been searching for a pharmaceutical way to change hair color.

Submission + - Sony using 3D TV for split screen gaming (

gurps_npc writes: The Kartel has an interesting article about a recent patent Sony filed. Basically they want to hack a 3d tv set up with 2 paris of 3d glasses. They want each seperate glass to display a seperate view (so instead of each pair of glasses having a left eye different from the right eye, one is set to see the "right eye" view to both eyes, while the other is set to show the "left eye view".

This way, two people can watch the same TV and see a different picture — peerfect for head to head racing games. Right now they just split the screen, but that has two problems. First, you can see your opponent's screen, and second, your own view is half the possible width. It is an interesting idea..

Submission + - Could the EU Be Preparing To Walk Away From ACTA? (

An anonymous reader writes: Michael Geist has an interesting post in which he makes the case that the European Union may be ready to walk away from the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. Pointing to the major remaining areas of disagreement, the growing rift between the U.S. and E.U., and the U.S. decision to cave on anti-circumvention rules, he notes it may be worth considering whether the EU is prepared to walk away from ACTA altogether, leaving the U.S. with a far smaller agreement that cannot credibly claim to set a standard for the G8 or developed world.

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