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Comment Re:Unacceptable. (Score 2) 42

Not that I'm saying you believe what will soon follow, but it's a general misconception due to many (usually comic) depictions of them in popular media. But the amish don't believe technology is wicked because of any kind of supernatural fear of the technology itself (i.e. they don't believe electricity is evil) so much as they believe that relying on things outside their immediate community is wrong and will lead to dire complications. Plus they believe electricity leads to unnecessary wants that distract people from their physical, ethical and spiritual development. While I'm not saying their lifestyle is more or less suitable for man in general, I do understand where they are coming from. Says the graphic design and marketing major posting 23 minutes before midnight instead of getting some much needed sleep.

Comment Re:Police abuse, business as usual (Score 1) 486

Because a good portion of the political spectrum believes that you have to be "tough on crime". "Criminal Justice" has become synonymous with "support of the [backwards and evil] agenda!" The way the news pimps every little awful thing that happens around the world to grab at people's attention makes people feel the world is more corrupt. So people feel that their "protectors" need more "protection" from these awful "pro-Criminal" activists who are just being "brainwashed" by the "agenda". And the people who take the most action are those who aren't already beaten sober by the system (i.e. too tired to fight back). Unfortunately, disillusionment in the system leads to apathy and melancholy regarding wanting to fix it, despite the fact the disillusioned are oftentimes the ones with the best hindsight as to what needs to be fixed.

Comment Yeah... (Score 1) 742

I turn on Sci-Fi expecting Fiction and get stuff about hunting down ghosts and big-foot. Which would still at least be fiction if the people hunting the creatures didn't themselves act as though they believed in it (and if it had writers).
I turn on History expecting biographies and documentaries and see Ice Road Truckers and other "history in the making" crap that isn't even significant enough in the long run to be considered "news".
I turn on Discovery expecting documentaries and instead get Myth Busters.
I turn on MTV and ... well no. No one expects Music on MTV anymore.

Comment Musician... (Score 1) 218

I don't think Musicians should be able to make a living performing music. It should be a hobby--something to do that's more productive than watching TV or writing thousands of posts on Slashdot. It takes a lot of time and effort to release a single album--but not so much that you can't supplement your income with other jobs. Or doing concerts/tours/charity events/something-other-than-selling-digital-copies-of-your-music. Which most artists do anyway.
This is coming from the son of a musician father and dancer mother who were lucky enough to be able to become agents in the industry instead of pursuing careers as "artists". This is also coming from an artist who was lucky enough to be able to enjoy expressing myself doing commercial works like UIs, websites and ads.
That being said: even if these musicians only get minimum wage, they are getting more doing their creative and expressive hobby than most at-home tabletop game developers (especially since most wind up just giving their game away since its so expensive to publish).

Comment Wait... (Score 1) 222

Again I must ask: why was the emergency response system connected to the world wide web in the first place? Was the virus specifically designed/targeted to attack them? Or was it installed through a physical medium? Either way, it seems like having a back-up system, ready to be up in only a few hours with frequent tests, would be something the group should look into.

Comment Re:Wasn't it a law... (Score 1) 120

If there is such a law, it'd completely destroy the Viral Marketing industry. There are such laws in political advertising. But I know of several older ad campaigns that didn't declare what they were for (for viral purposes) until weeks after they launched (creating "internet buzz" in advance).
Plus they kinda are showing us who they are advertising for...whether or not they are being paid shouldn't be an issue since the intent of the advertiser can't be fully taken into consideration. Even if they are being compensated, we don't know whether or not they themselves are such fans of the company they work for that they wouldn't enjoy doing this irregardless.

Comment I for one (Score 1) 618

I for one don't like to condense all my tools/toys into a single device. I like my games on my DS, my phone in my cellphone, my e-mail and internet in my laptop and my important documents/files/backups at my computer at home. That way if one crashes, I'm not completely screwed. if I drop my DS while I play a game, I don't lose access to my phone and internet. Its also usually cheaper (since most people I know who have a smart phone also have portable game systems and laptops), leads to more battery life for each individual device and usually more quality in each individual device (I'd much rather have a full keyboard and google than any "local information app" or "map app").

Comment Re:Is it me (Score 1) 149

Or the thief buys tons of starbucks gift cards, claiming they are for an office event or something if the cashier lifts a brow, and sells them back to people outside. Or some of the merch starbucks has--cups, books, board games, CDs. They sell far more than just coffee.

Comment Well (Score 1) 136

This makes perfect sense. Natural oil leaks occur quite often. But they are usually less concentrated and in lower volumes at any single point in time and space than an artificial oil leak such as at the gulf. But, nevertheless, nature has mechanisms in place that can deal with oil. Many of them don't work in spills of this magnitude, but many others will, over time, do more than we projected. The other problem that the article doesn't mention, however, is the ecosystem unbalance caused by the increase of the particular chemicals that creatures (usually bacteria) devour in that given area. While I'm sure the food-chain will eventually work its magic and all will be well and good again, it is a startling upset to the balance of nature when predators (fish) suddenly die out at the same time prey (the bacteria) begin to flourish.

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