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Comment Re:Already happened? (Score 1) 285

people who want other people to think that are smart, but aren't actually smart enough to do science, you know: philosophers.

remember kids: philosophers are to science what homeopaths are to medicine.

And also remember that anyone with a Ph.D. in a science field isn't a scientist. They're a doctor of philosophy. Without philosophy, science doesn't exist.

Comment Re:Pity about systemd (Score 2) 125

Init scripts are like BAT files for Windows, a technological baggage from the dumb ages where everything was fine as long as it sort of worked, kinda. Who even knows the sh language fluently? I bet every single unix weenie must google at least once, whenever they are forced to write a shell script. What a pile of junk that language is. Even JavaScript is like a mystical paradise compared to that shit.

You've read it here first folks, Bourne Shell is dead, long live Bourne Again Shell! Or csh, tcsh, zsh, ksh, what have you. Oh, wait; parent is probably advocating for the loss of command lines altogether. Good luck doing stupidly repetitive tasks, sonny.

Comment Re:better than what we have now (Score 1) 249

I would be in favor of an organized boycot of the upcoming Superman/Batman movie

I would be in favor of a disorganized ignoring of the upcoming Superman/Batman movie just because I expect the movie to stink. DC's movie series start strong but fail fast. It's like the only stories they can do well are origins, and those are pretty boring.

Comment Re:No, it's not the same as selling cars at all. (Score 3, Insightful) 255

Prima: I need to do some dodgy shit.
Secunda: I am going to offer a resource for people to do dodgy shit.
Prima: I am going to use your resource to do dodgy shit.
Secunda: OK, please carry on using it.

Prima: I need to be anonymous
Secunda: I offer masks. Masks make you anonymous.
Prima: I am going to use your resource (thinking only to self: to do dodgy shit.)
Secunda: I'm glad someone appreciates my fine craftsmanship.

If a bankrobber robs a bank while wearing a mask purchased from a store, is that mask store held liable? Usually only if the bank robber explicitly said "I'm going to use this mask to do dodgy shit".

users of the tor network don't notify exit node maintainers what they plan to do with the exit nodes they transfer data from. At best, an exit node maintainer might be able to firewall off certain sites, but that's cumbersome and doesn't prevent 99% of evil use cases.

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I'd rather just believe that it's done by little elves running around.
