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Comment Re:Rest of the world already ahead (Score 1) 992

Yet, the autobahn has fewer deaths than most roads. Autobahn has fewer deaths than the interstate system, even though it has way higher speeds.
(2.7 deaths pr. bn. km., vs 4.5 deaths for the interstate)

There's even a 2005 study that concluded that the "no limit" sections of the Autobahn had no more accidents than the sections with speed limits.

Comment Re:Rest of the world already ahead (Score 5, Informative) 992

And autobahn is one of the safest highways as well:

Traffic zooms by on the German autobahn at 120 mph. The speed-limitless highway system stretches 6,800 miles and the Federal Ministry of Transport has declared the autobahn to be one of the safest road systems in the world despite the roaring, high speeds. US highways, on the other hand, rank as one of the most dangerous where speed limits range from 55 to 75 mph. Strict laws are believed to be the prominent reason the autobahn is safer than US highways.

Comment Re:No matter what the outcome actually is.... (Score 1) 1184

In "erroneous"' case, the choice is made by the individual user. In your example, there appears to be no choice for the end-user, but a corporate decision.
How do you think your office would fare if the users could choose themselves?
In my office (15k+), the choice is open. Users can choose between iPhone and various android phones. Guess what? The vast majority chooses android. In fact, I'm not sure I've encountered even one person with an iPhone so far...

Comment Re:No matter what the outcome actually is.... (Score 1) 1184

"continue to grow and grow"?

A thorough study was made and research has shown that the number of iPhones sold has decreased since the release of Samsung Galaxy S3. This has been quite a setback since iPhone 4S held the spotlight with a market share of a whopping 20 percent. But with the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S3, iPhone 4S has seen a drop in the sales line by almost 5 percent.

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