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Comment Jumping the gun (Score 0) 194

Over the last... long while now scientists have developed a bad habit of getting really excited and presenting findings as concrete, only to get shot down. Besides, doesn't an experiment have to be repeated for the results to be confirmed? Regardless, if the alternate interpretation proves true, I find it no less significant.

Comment Programming what? (Score 1) 133

You say you want to be a developer. Your time scale to pick up new skills in programming, join some Open Source projects for your resume, and begin creating a living resume of application you have written is extremely limited but doable. The most important question you have to ask and answer yourself right away is: What field of programming do you want to get into? If you want to get into web and mobile applications then there are probably half a dozen very specific languages and technologies you need to start drilling down on right now. If you want to get into any other particular area of programming then there will similarly be a different set of languages and technologies you need to nail to the wall. You say you like Java and that you like to solve problems. What types of problems do you like to solve with Java? Answering that might help you pin down the area you should pursue. The thing about programming these days is that it is a field of specialized compartments. For you that is good because it decreases the amount of time and effort you have to put into learning.

Whatever you figure out, best of luck.

Comment Who's Crazier? (Score 3, Insightful) 298

Government leadership on both sides could use an extended stay in a psychiatric facility. I thought US/Iran relations were supposed to be warming? With active gestures from both sides? In regards to that, I can think of stupider moves Iran could have made but this is dumb and disappointing all the same. When things progressed so far that President Obama and President Rouhani spoke by phone - a major accomplishment on both sides - I hoped things would keep getting better from there. That they would open up their nuclear efforts and that we could then lift sanctions with a real friendship on the horizon. What happened to all that? It was recent and a major news story for sometime. I guess I was naive. If the nations of the world could only humble themselves before one another... In most cases I suppose religion is the big barrier there. The planet is (figuratively) shrinking at an exponential rate and if we don't learn to actually truly get along as a planet of independent nations, we will see a mass thinning of the population at some point, under unfavorable circumstances.

Comment Re:Does AMD still matter? (Score 2) 142

AMD still has roughly 20% market share, so I would say yes, AMD still matters. It's a pretty big market for what can be considered only two-players. AMD certainly has it's struggles, and with the prospect of an NVIDIA\Intel APU alliance on the horizon competition is going to get tougher. But even then they will probably be the "most bang for your buck" option which is a large but not exclusive part of what is keeping them alive. I use AMD APU's, but as a Linux user the first thing I do is disable the Radeon portion in the BIOS on pop in an NVIDIA card. My current frequency-unlocked quad core is no slouch and I hope to be getting an 8-core AMD in a couple of months.

Comment Re:There's a reason people argue about vim and ema (Score 1) 248

I care for neither Vim nor Emacs. But only because they are overly powerful for my meager scripting needs. Basically, Vim's complexity actually slows me down. However, having taken the time to actually learn Vim, I fully appreciate why it is loved by more hardcore programmers and why it increases their productivity. The complexity of coding in Vala or Objective C, etc... is a match for the complexity of VIM - so to speak. I have yet to grow a beard long enough to try out EMACS.

Comment Re:Battery life? (Score 1) 217

My requirements for battery life might be less than others. I only care about getting through a day. It should also be mentioned that it has rapid charging technology. They are alleging you can charge 75% of the battery in 30-minutes. If that's true it's sounds like a decent compromise to me.

Comment Complaining about this phone? (Score 5, Insightful) 217

I am kind of surprised to see that the majority of posts are railing against this phone, mostly over the display resolution being so high. I'm thinking most people never made it past the summary. On top of what the summary lists, it has 3 gigabytes of ram, 32 gigabytes of internal storage, micro SD that can handle 128 gigabyte cards, 5 megapixel front facing camera, 50 (sorta) megapixel rear camera, 3000mAh removable battery. Rapid charging technology - going from 0 to 75% charge on a 3000mAh battery is pretty sweet.

At a $599 retail price point? That's pretty remarkable. The only thing the article does not discuss in the graphics chip set but I'm willing to bet it's nothing to sneeze at.

Submission + - Ars Technica and Cisco Provide Another Example of Bad Security Reporting

wjcofkc writes: It was recently reported by Cisco, Ars Technica, and reported on Slashdot that Linux based web servers running the 2.6 series were being attacked and infected with Javascript intended to allow attackers to serve up a variety of malicious content to the visitor. White Fir Design begs to differ, pointing out that the websites are not even all running Linux, much less the Linux 2.6 Kernel.

Comment Advert for Cisco Web Security (Score 2) 93


All of the affected web servers that we have examined use the Linux 2.6 kernel.

For clarity, the old kernel is a common indicator on the compromised hosts.

Okay, so between 2003 and 2011 there have probably been 3 dozen versions of that kernel. The overwhelming majority of Linux based web servers run the vetted, thoroughly tested and patched, tried and true 2.6 series Linux Kernel. This makes me concerned Cisco doesn't understand what it means to run a production system. Also, what do they even mean by "web server" are we to assume Apache? Because there are alternatives in use... lots. Considering most Linux based web servers are running a variation of the 2.6 kernel, then of course that's where they will the find the attacks (Duh anyone?). I would be much more interested in what web server we are talking about and any commonality between them over the kernel of the operating system. I am shaking my head trying to figure what this article is really trying to communicate especially since they practically shoot down most of their article with the "Update" at the top.

Although users of Cisco’s Cloud Web Security solution are protected from this attack...

Oh, I get it now.

Comment Re:Heading off all the E haters (Score 1) 140

You completely missed my point. As I said, "settings" is the tool you are talking about. To make a user friendly configuration tool you would strip "settings" of a zillion features down to basics. There, you now have an easy to configure Enlightenment tool and a much more basic Enlightenment. You can't design a configuration tool with everything E has to offer and make it easy to use - the very notion makes no sense, it's already as easy as it can be. You could argue that you could have two levels of configuration tools - again, settings, one for basic easy configuration and another one for more complex configuration, except that still doesn't make sense because someone would have to decide what those basic settings would be.

Also, Enlightenment reduced to a basic "every other DE" kind of configuration is no better than any other DE and in some respects may be worse. There is nothing compelling about it at all in that condition. I know, I have personally widdled it down to that form just to see and it's not likely something I would use.

You are missing the charm of Enlightenment completely. Also, messing with config files is a thing of the past. If you really want to know the difference between Enlightenment and what you mentioned as well as others, I would say install it and spend some serious time getting to know it, but I am not going to sit here and write you a manual in a Slashdot comment outlining all the differences, and I most definitely put you in the category of people who should steer clear of it. There will always be more to it than you will ever understand and that is ok - nothing wrong with that at all. I am officially done beating this dead horse.

Comment Re:Heading off all the E haters (Score 1) 140

Clearly you have never used it, or at least never learned it. They do have such a tool. It's called settings, it's five-miles across, ten-miles deep, and can be accessed in different places in different ways. A main part of the philosophy of E is extreme flexibility in it's configuration. Myself as someone who knows it, uses, and loves it, it is an absolute marvel of perfect complexity - a work of art. The system is so flexible I don't know where to begin explaining it or what I even mean by it without writing a book. I have settled on my way (perfect personal configuration), and a thousand others have settled on radically different configurations that suit them and their needs, while ten-thousand others have given up quickly because the don't understand what they have. It's like with every other DE\WM out there, I'm always wishing for this or that feature, functionality, or behavior several times over per environment. With E you have all of those features. Activating and configuring them is a puzzle the first time or three (or more), but when you're done you have a system you can't complain about - and you then know it's internals. You have everything you have ever wanted out of anything in any configuration you desire, exhibiting whatever behavior you want. These are the things that make it complicated for regular users - putting it together. If they were to make a "regular user version" they would have to dump their core philosophy, decides what's best for you, then cut out a thousand configuration options. With every possibility available, what's best for you? What should stay and go? Only you can decide. That's the trick to making a dumbed down version of it.

As I have said to many people before, and have even quoted myself on in this very thread, "Enlightenment is not for everybody" - I am not here trying to advertise it like a fanboy, I just wanted to set some standard stereotypes straight. I spend far more time telling people to steer clear of it than I do recommending it, despite being my own DE of choice.

Suddenly I remember when E was first announced on Chips n Dip.... : )

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