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Comment Re:The Struggle (Score 1) 410

i think you are looking at what i write to you as im the enemy and therefore what I say is bull.

Nope. Just reading the words you post and responding as if you mean them.

i did no such thing, you accused me of living in fear and other junk and i simply was making an argument based on my experiences

But you did.

Setting up straw man and tearing it down:

there is no fear on my side, but we do see the idea of diversity differently. I dont believe there is a need for it. I enjoy it, i like learning about other cultures and being a part of them. However I disagree that it is something that should be forced onto people (not saying that you feel that way just explaining myself)

Admitting the straw man is not my view:

there is no fear on my side, but we do see the idea of diversity differently. I dont believe there is a need for it. I enjoy it, i like learning about other cultures and being a part of them. However I disagree that it is something that should be forced onto people (not saying that you feel that way just explaining myself)

I made up nothing.

You told me that someone was charged with a hate crime for not baking a cake.

Comment Re:The Struggle (Score 3, Insightful) 410

see, this is the problem. I am sitting here not insulting you, trying to understand your side while offering my side of things.

No you're not. If you can't understand that, this is not going to be productive.

yet your side seems unable to do so without resorting to smugness.

I asked you to defend any of your outlandish claims with evidence, and you continued posting more outlandish claims and refused to provide any evidence. I'm not being smug, I'm being efficient with my use of Internet Debate Time.

What I said was in simple terms, "dont hurt people for...reasons" I dont care black white gay straight, you shouldnt be attacking someone for no reason.

I'm not attacking anyone at all. I came in here to defend.

As for the baker, you didnt hear about the baker being forced to pay over 100 grand to a lesbian couple because they refused to bake them a custom cake???? google is your friend, and for someone who is caught up on LGBTQDFHSDTHUA++ you should be well aware of that case

1. I'm aware of a number of contrived cases about "cakes". Please specify one, with a link to something anything. Your claim was not that someone was sued, but that someone was charged with a hate crime. This might be news to you, but some things are not the same as other things.
2. LGBTQDFHSDTHUA++ - Oh yeah, you don't want people to attack each other. You just literally mashed your keyboard because you couldn't be bothered to understand what the acronym is that represents several sub-sections of society whose concerns you can't stop taking time out of your day to dismiss. The amount of defensive disdain is palpable.

Look, do you want to have an honest, compassionate discussion about things you are actually self-aware enough to admit you don't understand? Stop acting like you're an equal in that discussion. I am not an authority on queer issues in Seattle, but I'm a queer in Seattle. I have more experience than you do as a not-queer in not-Seattle. If you want to understand my "side" of a discussion, stop putting straw men in front of me that queers are getting innocent bigots charged with hate crimes over cakes. It's not real, it's not true, it's a caricature, it's insulting, and it's not in the spirit of honest discussion.

Comment Re:The Struggle (Score 1) 410

there is no fear on my side, but we do see the idea of diversity differently. I dont believe there is a need for it. I enjoy it, i like learning about other cultures and being a part of them. However I disagree that it is something that should be forced onto people (not saying that you feel that way just explaining myself)

You should stop and think about what you're saying. You created a straw man caricature of my views, tore it down, then told me you know that the straw man is not representative of my views.

I see alot of people who as you said distort their motives, perhaps its a new york thing but the people who want the most diversity in NY, also seem to be the least tolerant people I personally know. i understand my anecdote does not mean that all people who are pro diversity are evil intolerant people, just that is what it seems like here in NY these days.

Well at least your made up bullshit is an anecdote this time.

Comment Re:The Struggle (Score 3, Insightful) 410

i understand now, i dont have any specific links to go by

Not surprised.

however I would argue that the woman who was sued for not baking a cake would be an example of someone being unjustly charged with a hate crime in one instance

Since you're naming a specific incident, can you please link to it? I'm not aware of a baker being charged with a hate crime.

I see your point and im sorry if thats how the way you see things is making you feel. however numbers dont lie, and only 20 examples in a city is a rounding error as I said, and not a "thing" it would be like if everyone in NYC lived their lives in fear of another airplane attack because it happened back in 2001, yeah it could happen but the odds are very slim

This is a bullshit analogy. It'd be like if over 250 attacks (again I don't know if the number 20 is accurate, but taking it for granted, that's 8,406,000 population in NYC over 652,000 in Seattle, times 20) happened in NYC in the course of a year. This year.

I sincerely hope the best for you and your area as 1 attack on another , regardless of the reasoning is a bad thing

No idea what this means. Have another toke duder.

Comment Re:The Struggle (Score 2, Insightful) 410

What I do doubt is the generalization that some people make from this, that all or even a majority of white males today in Western society are the "enemy" or are "evil" or "bad" in some way.

Already addressed this in another comment. The only people calling white people evil are the people getting upset that anyone else values diversity. It's a straw man argument.

I don't and won't apologize for being a white male.

Good. Neither will I. No one asked you to.

I don't and won't apologize for being a white male. As I said above, I live in Hawaii (where white male dominance, by the way, is long a thing of the past) and I married an Asian. I love and would never give up either the diversity of this part of the world or the multicultural richness that my marriage has brought me. I also try to do everything I can to treat people fairly. Is it too much to ask to be treated fairly in return, and not be categorized and stigmatized because I happen to be a white male?

Do you feel you're being treated unfairly because here in Seattle we're talking about a problem that doesn't appear to be about you in any way? Has anyone said to you, as a white male in Hawaii, that you're responsible for hate crimes in Seattle? As a white male, who works in the tech industry, in Seattle, I am engaging this conversation as if it is about facts and the desire of people in my community. I don't feel like your defensive interjections are in the same spirit. Consider the possibility that this isn't about you.

Comment Re:The Struggle (Score 1) 410

I have a question for you since you support diversity in the workplace.

To be clear, I wasn't talking about the workplace. I know Slashdot hates reading the thing they respond to, but this is getting ridiculous. The post, and my comments, are about diversity (among other issues) in Seattle. I work here, but I also live here. I can change jobs, but changing cities is much harder.

Regarding workplace diversity, it's complicated. Between distortions of reality, you hint at some of why it is (and miss a lot of other reasons). But I think you miss the point of a discussion about diversity. You begin with the assumption that diversity is achieved by having a number of people-groups checked off on a list, but it isn't.

Inasmuch as diversity is a discrete goal, that goal is achieved when people with diverse experiences and roles in society are comfortably peers.

Comment Re:The Struggle (Score 2) 410

im not sure ive ever seen that as what diversity was all about

I do. So we see it differently. That's probably why I value it more than you do.

you dont need to be diverse to not hate others

Of course not. It just tends to have that effect.

while one can want diversity SOOO bad, that one turns into one of the hateful people that you are speaking of

Lots of people can distort motives in lots of ways. What you're describing is not typical, it's a caricature of a stereotype. You've seen an article bemoaning the loss of Seattle diversity, taken it as a threat, and proceeded to post scattershot about how the problem is actually the opposite of what people's experiences are.

I realize it's pointless to argue with you, but your points are not based in fact, they're based in fear.

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