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Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Can some of us get together and rebuild this community? 21

wbr1 writes: It seems abundantly clear now that Dice and the SlashBeta designers do not care one whit about the community here. They do not care about rolling in crapware into sourceforge installers. In short, the only thing that talks to them is money and stupid ideas.

Granted, it takes cash to run sites like these, but they were fine before. The question is, do some of you here want to band together, get whatever is available of slashcode and rebuild this community somewhere else? We can try to make it as it once was, a haven of geeky knowledge and frosty piss, delivered free of charge in a clean community moderated format.

Submission + - Slashdot BETA Discussion ( 60

mugnyte writes: With Slashdot's recent restyled "BETA" slowly rolled to most users, there's been a lot of griping about the changes. This is nothing new, as past style changes have had similar effects. However, this pass there are significant usability changes: A narrower read pane, limited moderation filtering, and several color/size/font adjustments. BETA implies not yet complete, so taking that cue — please list your specific, detailed opinoins, one per comment, and let's use the best part of slashdot (the moderation system) to raise the attention to these. Change can be jarring, but let's focus on the true usability differences with the new style.

Comment Re:python sucks (Score 1) 432

It would probably have been less work to just change the default interpreter back to python 2.5, and edit only the 'one piece of software' that required python 3 to /usr/bin/python3

The second bit wouldn't even be necessary - as far as I'm aware, the only distro that made python3 the default was Arch. Because python2 is still the default on most systems and incompatible with python3, most programmers working in Python 3 explicitly specify python3 in the shebang. (Using /usr/bin/python only is considered poor practice for this exact reason.)

Comment Re:Efficiency. (Score 1) 937

Even if a computer can't predict that as far ahead as a human, it can react much faster. Human reaction time is about 200 ms, but a computer could easily react within about 30 ms. That should be enough to compensate for the intelligence described in the vast majority of situations.

Comment Re:Is he really a "sucker"? (Score 1) 203

On page 10, the inability to have reserve banking is discussed. Could you explain why reserve banking is useful? As far as I can tell, it simply inflates the perceived amount of money present in the system beyond that actually present, introducing a potential failure mode (a bank run).

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 361

What'r the chances of getting stuck in ice in Antarctica during the summer months of 2013-2014, when global warming is at it's peak (tongue in cheek) - not once, but TWICE?

Not great.

However, if you asked "what are the chances of getting stuck in ice in Antarctica during the summer, given that it just happened to another ship nearby?", I'd say reasonably high. Conditional probability in action.

Comment Anecdote (Score 1) 252

I'm in my early 20s, and very much grew up with GUIs and Windows. Despite this, I now use Vim (cue flame war) as my text editor after seeing how fast proficient users could be with it. I have a friend who uses Emacs as his desktop environment - no KDE or Gnome, just Emacs.
Both are powerful text editors with niche uses. e.g. programming. While fewer people are learning them now that they are no longer the default text editors on most distros, they're hardly dying.

Comment Re:Great topic (Score 1) 383

tar -axf - automatically chooses compression algorithm based on extension
zsh - the autocomplete alone is worth it compared to bash (use oh-my-zsh to simplify setup). Right-hand prompts are pretty nice once you get used to them.
pv - pipe streams through it for a graphical progress bar
nice/ionice - lower the priority of background processes
ack - faster alternative to grep with better output formatting
lsblk/lscpu/lshw/lspci/lsusb - view attached hardware. lshw is great for a comprehensive list, and lsblk recognizes raid, encrypted volumes, etc.
pwgen - useful for generating passwords
apt-file/dpkg/$YOUR_PACKAGE_MANAGER - read the man pages - commands for determining which package a file belongs to (esp. if that package isn't installed) are particularly useful
Yakuake - not a CLI tool, but being able to pull up a terminal with a single keypress is pretty handy

Comment KDE Kolab (Score 2) 133

I'm currently in the process of setting up something like this.
Kolab is a FOSS groupware server that can synchronize emails, to do lists, calenders, notes, etc. across multiple devices. You can access it from the included web interface (roundcube), the recommended client (Kontact), or via Outlook with the connector installed. Android support is available via ActiveSync, and I believe Kontact Touch will be ported to Android now that Qt 5 supports it.)

If you're not interested in running your own server, there're also sites like this which sell accounts.

Here are some notes on my experiences setting it up, for anyone interested:

  • Make sure you read the documentation first, because Kolab is too complex to just jump right in and hit the ground running. In particular, make sure you have a FQDN
  • Kolab pulls in a bunch of different daemons, including apache2, cyrus, mysql, postfix, slapd, clamav. It's a fairly heavy-weight solution, since it was developed with enterprise users in mind.
  • Multiple users can use a single installation. Users can be added/removed from a web interface.
  • By default, nothing uses SSL. This is undesirable if you're planning on connecting to it over the internet. The LDAP server uses a different SSL stack to the rest of the daemons (NSS), and you'll definitely want to run it over SSL because it sends passwords in plaintext. The easiest solution I found was to create a CA cert with certutil, use that to create the certificate for use with LDAP, then export that certificate to PEM format and use it for everything else. LDAP needs to be configured online, but all the other daemons just have configuration files with entries for the path to the certificates.
  • On some distros, Kontact may not be compiled with Kolab support. (e.g. Sabayon)
  • RSS syncing is currently the only feature in Kontact that doesn't sync with Kolab (AFAIK), although you can embed tt-rss in the web interface.

Comment Re:Is it a competitor? (Score 1) 166

How does Octave or any other open source tool hold up against something with so many resources behind it?

Background: I'm an ECSE student who has used both throughout my course.

Octave is very much like LibreOffice - it's usually good enough to use instead of MATLAB, but it's not perfect. Most of the functions are there, though some which are commonly used but not strictly necessary (e.g. importdata) are not. Octave's syntax is also looser than MATLAB's (you can use ! instead of ~ for logical negation), which means that you still need to test a program in MATLAB if that's what the recipient is going to be running it in.

Its main advantages are its cost and size - Octave is free and a full installation is 42 MB, whereas MATLAB costs tens of thousands and takes up about 5 GB. MATLAB also has rather cumbersome DRM that can cause issues.

The main disadvantage is speed. Running a SVD on a largish matrix (e.g. 350x350) is one or two orders of magnitude slower under Octave compared to MATLAB. i.e. it takes 10 min instead of 10 seconds. That's a pretty niche use though - most of the computations people use MATLAB for aren't particularly intensive.

Comment Re:A paranoid setup (Score 1) 321

Hardware RAID is a bad idea for backups, as the card is a single point of failure, and anything not from the exact same batch may use a different (proprietary) RAID format. At least with Linux softraid (either mdadm or btrfs/ZFS), you can always download a copy of the source and checkout the old version, if necessary.

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