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How Do You Stay Upbeat Amidst the Idiocy? 442

Techdirt has a wonderful summary of how hard it is sometimes to stay upbeat when faced with some of the complete idiocy that intelligent, tech-savvy readers often have to deal with in their day-to-day lives. While the frustration will probably never go away, nor will the news calling attention to it, it does seem that opening people's eyes to problems helps things move in the right direction, so keep it up. "Yes, we're in the midst of a brutal financial mess — but that won't stop innovation. Yes, incumbent forces, with short-sighted plans and a desire to hold back the tides are annoying and disruptive (not in a good way) in the short run. But even they are finding they can't hold back progress. Robert Friedel has a wonderful book called A Culture of Improvement that details how we, as a society, are constantly looking to improve on what we already have. We add ideas and ingenuity to old concepts and build something better — not because of the desire to grab some "intellectual property," but because of the desire to improve our own lot, to build a better tool that we want to use. Incumbent short-sighted players have been able to hinder and harm progress, but they can't keep it down completely. That culture of improvement can't be stopped entirely."

Comment Re:Bigger impact from negative linux reputation. (Score 1) 196

You know there is a lot of truth to that remark. I'm a very tech savvy person and my family, friends, wife's friends, hell random people in stores I visit ask me for advice about computer parts. When they do I generally try to steer them towards products that have either open or at least very compatible drivers. So while I may only be one person I influence many people in their buying decisions. What's really interesting is that I've actually started to convert my wife's group of stay at home moms to linux, they see her little EEE and love it(I installed ubuntu on it for her). They then ask what it is and promptly want to try it out. Somewhere around 50% of them will actually stay using it once I give them a brief little class of how to use it and where to find all the free software.

And this is the only Linux "evangelism" which seems to really work. Instead of insulting Windows users and telling them how inferior their choice of OS happens to be, just show them what your platform can do. Even people who gave Linux a shot once before are usually amazed since their failed experimentation with FOSS was usually a few years ago (and they usually have no idea of just how much Linux has changed since then). Actually showing these potential converts the money (instead of just talking trash) usually goes a long way toward erasing a lot of the Redmond-generated FUD about Linux (or, at least, it'll make them question all the myths and misconceptions they have).


Submission + - 700MB of MediaDefender internal emails leaked ( 2

qubezz writes: The company MediaDefender which works with the RIAA and MPAA against piracy (setting up fake torrents and trackers and disrupting p2p) had earlier set up a fake internet video download site designed to catch and bust users. They denied the entrapment charges. Now 700MB of internal emails from the company from the last 6 months leaked onto BitTorrent trackers detail their entire plan, how they intended to distance themselves from the fake company they set up, future strategies, and reveal other company information such as logins and passwords, wage negotiations, and numerous other aspect of their internal business! details some of the jems!

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