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Comment Re:The "glow in the dark" thing (Score 1) 292

Preach it, brother.

Preaching is not "breakthrough persuasion technology". However, if somebody convinces the masses that "Jesus wants nuke plants", you may be on to something.

Find a gasoline stain that looks like Satan, post it on the Interwebs, and soon evangelicals will want alternatives. It works with toast and rusted grain silos.

Comment Re:Not all programmers are web frontend devs (Score 1) 126

I don't really understand your gripe. Slashdot covers many technology specialties. Very few article topics will fit the entire audience, and many will fit only a small subset. That's expected. I've seen embedded programming articles also, for example, which a web developer will typically not care about. Should web developers gripe about articles on embedding?

You seem to have a set of unstated assumptions about the domain of slashdot and the domain of its readers that doesn't match mine. Perhaps you are arguing there are too many articles related to web development compared to other domains. But web development is a large and growing domain such that it's a frequent area of change and growing pains, which is usually what "news for nerds" would cover. You don't see many articles on the COBOL language because it no longer changes very often, for example. That's not necessarily a bad thing; but it doesn't generate "news".

Comment The "glow in the dark" thing (Score 4, Insightful) 292

We may have to come to grips with the idea that it's just a hard sell. The long-term average death/illness rate may be much lower than say oil or wind, BUT people remember the "spikes" of accidents such as 3-Mile-Island.

It's just easier to sell an idea that kills lots of people gradually in a predictable rate than one that kills nobody for many years, but occasionally hiccups in a newsworthy way.

That's just the way it is. We can't change human nature, and mass nagging usually backfires. We probably have to just live with that fact unless somebody invents breakthrough persuasion technology.

Comment Re:Good on him (Score 1) 292

It's rare that somebody is a jerk in all ways: we all have flaws in some area(s) or another, and being in certain situations magnifies them.

I'm glad Bill's good side is coming out now.

We in the west like to view people as either "good guys" or "bad guys", perhaps because it makes for more drama in media, which reinforces that view. But reality is often more nuanced.

Maybe if the art academy had accepted the young Adolf, he'd only be known as a "decent German artist of the mid 20th century". Disaffected by the art world, he turned to a different "career" instead.

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