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Comment Re: A joint? (Score 1) 125

A number of state legislatures have legalized marijuana. Since the Constitution explicitly grants all rights not stated within the Constitution as rights of the Federal Government unto the States and the Constitution doesn't mention marijuana for, at least those states that have legalized the drug, the issue is settled.

Only in the event that Trump/GOP government attempts to take the issue to the courts to exert their claim, it is hard to imagine the government wasting funds on enforcement of laws they can't afford to prosecute those in states where the substance is legal.

Besides, it would only lead to the GOP being wiped out at the polls by the younger generation in those states. Remember, these laws became laws because of the will of the majority and the last thing the GOP would want would be to raise taxes to do it.

Then again, the Trump/GOP is likely to engage in almost anything that precludes rational thought just to prove they can.

Comment Re:I'VE FALLEN, AND I CAN'T GET UP!!! (Score 1) 125


here in Washington I can buy pot from my local Indian tribe, if I wanted. So far no sign of the feds. The Trump/GOP would be insane to try to outlaw it here. There would quickly not be a single GOP office holder in the state.

In fact, the US will have to decriminalize pot soon anyway or otherwise Canada or other countries will dominate the markets and the profits, and tax revenues, which are already in the billions of dollars.

Comment Re:I'VE FALLEN, AND I CAN'T GET UP!!! (Score 1) 125

Usually, when the police are called it is the local police that arrive, not the DEA. California has a law that precludes state employees from assisting federal employees trying to arrest people for activities that are not crimes within the state. Consequently, its extremely unlikely that the Feds would be involved. Indeed,, the Trump/GOP is so busy slashing federal budgets that virtually all agencies are strapped for funds as part of the efforts at deregulation.

Comment Re:Don't worry, they're a swing state (Score 4, Interesting) 123

Yes let's apply political ideology and pretend that Scott's policies regarding the discharge of waste from sugar plantations, agricultural runoff, and livestock yards are in now way connected to the Red Tides. Funny how this argument so closely parallels the climate denial meme that "the climate has always changed" therefore, ignore reality. The truth is that if it weren't for the ocean currents, Gulf Current and Florida Loop Current, the situation would be a lot worse. These tides didn't arise by blowing in from somewhere else. They arise from an overabundance of nutrients in the water, stemming largely from uncontrolled agricultural runoff. The same is true for the Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone, which results from the runoff of fertilizers used by corn farmers in the Midwest finding there way into the Mississippi River Drainage System. The reality for Scott, Floridians, and its tourist industry is that these are now going to be permanent fixtures of Florida's coastlines for years to come until the policies or the politicians are changed. Perhaps there is a bit of irony in the fact that the Red Tied trump Trump's GOP promises and delivers is not the one that the public wants.

BTW, the "Red" in Red Sea more likely refers to the direction South. The Greeks attached colors to each cardinal direction as did a number of Asiatic languages, that for South being red. The Greek Historian Herodotus used interchangeably with the name referring adjective southern. In English these cardinal colors were earlier used in similar fashion, such as the Black Sea, the White Sea and the Yellow Sea. The ancient Greeks had no knowledge of microorganisms.

As for thinking rationally, you ought to give it a try rather than mindless appeals to ideological orthodoxy. Who knows? You might look good in a hippy hat. It might even be good for your health, relative to the tin-foil hats that seem to be the rage in many GOP circles these days.

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