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Comment Toy Trains, art and paperwork (Score 1) 98

Toy trains are a much better long term investment. People have been trading them since Lionel started producing them, and today's manufacturers understand that limited editions can sell new for huge margins as long as they keep them truly limited, with documentation to back up how many are made, etc. That's the key. The only way the secondary sales market will survive is if the manufacturers get their piece of the action too. I don't see where Lego is really doing that, except for the crazy-expensive kits that are just for show in the stores.

It's a lot like the art market, where signed numbered prints are the only ones that have any value. There's nothing stopping artists from cranking out millions of prints, but they understand that the secondary market wants scarcity.

Comment Earth-like lights (Score 1) 90

From what I understand of the process, astronomers measure the drop in light as a planet passes between a star and us to determine its size and distance from said star. So what happens in the case of an Earth like planet with an advanced civilization, or perhaps if there is a lot of volcanic activity? Wouldn't that alter the expected result, and screw up their calculations?

Comment Enough already (Score 1, Troll) 46

All you guys who are sitting in university labs, toiling away at yet another flexible, printable, super-cheap solar panel technology need to get out and actually bring something to market. I don't care who you work with (keep in mind British Petroleum is one of the largest producers of solar panels), how it's done, in fact none of the details impress me at this point. Just get something out the frickin' door! I'll celebrate when I can buy a roll of your solar panel material at the Home Depot (or at and spend the weekend screwing it to the side of my house. Until then, you don't have anything interesting. I've been hearing about these things for the last 20 years and we're still using expensive and fragile monocrystalline panels.

Oh, and you guys in the tech media: Stop promoting science experiments as the next big breakthrough. It's getting old. If they have something truly revolutionary it's news. Otherwise you're just wasting electricity.

Comment In other news (Score 1) 179

Bump keys can be used to unlock just about any door, and yet crime statistics remain in line and have even been dropping in many parts of the world since the Internet has raised their profile in recent years.

This would be more interesting if someone were droning my neighborhood, but some of the hacks took days, not minutes to perform (and as others pointed out, affects individual receivers, not the entire system). Hardly a James Bond villain level of manipulation.

Comment The Magic Number 435 (Score 5, Interesting) 391

We haven't increased the size of the House of Representatives since the 1930s, but the size of the population has grown 3X since then. The House is supposed to grow (and shrink) with population, yet it has not for nearly 100 years. Are we to believe we have the same level of representation as our great grandparents? Just try to get your Representative on the phone, for example. You might be able to reach him if you have a campaign check, but even that's doubtful these days.

Why is this relevant to the conversation? Because $435 million is a drop in the bucket for most companies, while you'll likely never see your Representative in person, let alone sit down with him/her and voice your opinion. The corporations don't care about who or which party gets elected, just so they remember who cut them the million dollar donation.

But imagine if there were 1000 or more Representatives. Now how easy would it be for corps to buy the Congress? Yes, a lot of the activity would just switch over to the Senate, but both houses have to agree to get legislation passed.

Comment Just upgraded (Score 1) 95

I bought an LCD projector a few years ago after my trusty old 25" studio monitor died. I considered DLP at the time, but they gave me a headache. Bulb prices quickly went from expensive (over $100) to dirt cheap (less than $40) for my Sony, so I have to think they all came down in price over the years.

But with more devices wanting HDMI inputs and wanting a bigger 1080p display this year I decided to upgrade to a 50" plasma. Didn't even consider a projector, mostly due to problems with black levels and washout in bright rooms. The difference is astounding, although I'm sure a lot of it is just due to evolutionary progress overall. However if I were going much larger than 55" I would consider a projection system. Many of them can be set up for RP if you have a box and mirror available.

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