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Comment Re:It's accomplices all the way down! (Score 1) 255

In China and Iran Tor users are acting illegally. We shouldn't sanction the governments of those countries making Tor use illegal, but it's really the Chinese and Iranian's responsibility to change their government. It would amount to imperialism for us to demand their government change.

Comment Re:What a crazy situation (Score 4, Informative) 149

In Chariman Mao's "Three Worlds Theory" the Two Superpowers (the US and the USSR after capitalism was restored there in the 1950's) are the First World. The second world is the modernized secondary powers (Europe, etc.) The third world is the exploited nations (i.e. most of Africa.) So Belgium and Germany are Second World powers, the US and USSR are the First World.

This was in opposition to the classic cold war use of 'Three Worlds' in western foreign policy, which defined the US and allies as 'The First World', the USSR and allies as the Second World, and the rest as the Third World.

Your definition is the modern mish-mash defnition from after the decline of the Soviet Union, which comes closer to Mao's meaning, but is still significantly different.

And the existence of Mao's theory and the older Cold War definition trashes your 'Anybody who has ever defined the term' claim. I've shown there are at least three ways the term has been used.

Comment Re:javascriptards (Score 1, Insightful) 91

Seriously? It doesn't matter if you have admin rights? And thus no means of local storage? So we should all push our documents out 'on the cloud'? So Google or Microsoft has control of everything we do? We should push them out onto 'the cloud' running binaries on machines we don't have admin rights to, giving out passwords each time we do?

I like local storage. It goes beyond liking, actually. I expect local storage. Crap like this just makes it easier for software publishers and 'services' to eliminate the need for, and thus the access to, local storage.

Plus, dinks who write web pages aren't programmers. No matter how many 'script' tools they heft around.

Comment Re:WTF over?! (Score 1) 131

I bought a new Ford in 2006. It is the simplest version of a stripped Ford Ranger. The most 'high tech' feature it has is it's only option upgrade: a CD player in the radio. When I was looking at it in the sales lot the salesman told me 'this is the last of it's kind.' It uses only a simple key to unlock the door and start. I can go to a hardware store and get a key cut from a blank for about $1.50.

And it's the simplest version of a stripped Ford Ranger. Nobody has ever wanted to steal it. It's also the default color for Fords: black.

I consider it 'modern' but it doesn't have any of the new croft. At all.

Comment Re: better idea (Score 1) 501

Mexicans and Americans (USians?) aren't really races. It's more a matter of nationalism. People seldom 'play the nationalism card' because if you identify yourself an internationalist, you get redbaited.

Probably the Mexicans are more protective of the jobs within their country because they don't want Americans traveling down and crowding their people out of the skilled wellpaying jobs.

Really, the immigration problem is a tragedy for the countries that the people immigrate from. When the US gets the most skilled and ambitious people from all of Central America, it means they're drained from their own local communities. It undoubtedly hurts any efforts in those countries to grow a local economy and a middle class.

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