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Comment Re:Why stop there? (Score 1) 496

I don't think the Apollo capsule pilot flew that thing 'solo.'

When you have a large 'Mission Control' infrastructure such that there is a guy sitting at a monitor whose entire function is to monitor your oil pressure (the guy at the screen beside him monitoring oil temperature) then your ride to the market will be equivalent.

Comment Security and Embedded Controllers (Score 2) 163

I reject, fundamentally, the idea that 'The Internet of Things' means that every device in one's home should outwardly face the Internet. There is plenty of opportunity for layering. An IP enabled refrigerator can be connected to the internet through some far more secure routing device.

Security zoning functionality and monitoring technology for security purposes needs to see far, far more development than it does at present. Perhaps there are entities and forces out there that don't want us to have security zones and have devices on our home networks actively sniffing and moderating our internal traffic, but we certainly are entitled to that and should make it happen.

That is what computer science programs should concentrate more on, not securing everything as if every single 'thing' is entitled to, or needs to, face the outside world on the public Internet.

Comment Re:Im all for human rights... (Score 1) 1482

McCarthy wasn't the only anti-communist. He wasn't even a very effective anti-communist. Lots of people who at the time were virulently anti-communist wanted him to sit down and shut up.

Hubert Humphrey and John F. Kennedy, for two examples, were people who were virulently anti-communist and acted on it in significant ways.

Comment Re:April Fools stories are gay (Score 1) 1482

One the one side, we have people who exercise their right to contribute money toward a political cause.

On the other side, we have people who make concerted efforts to ferret out the names of people who have contributed to said political cause, and wherever possible shame and harass them to the point of driving them out of employment.

It's practically fucking McCarthyism.

Comment Re:April Fools stories are gay (Score 1) 1482

The Personal is Political. Yada yada yada.

Millions of people voted, not just Eich. Don't let your head blow up trying to come up with ways to get back at them.

Also, I would advise you not to try to claim a 'civil right equivalency' in front of a significant-sized group of ordinary* black people. That shit makes them angry, and it's part of why they voted so strongly in favor of Prop. 8.

(*non far-left)

Comment Re:April Fools stories are gay (Score 1) 1482

Wrong. The feminist community invented the term 'political correctness' as an internal jibe. It was a term used by more moderate feminists to criticize (in a friendly fashion) the more strident amongst their community. The term was latched onto by the political right and it's meaning changed. If you were around the left in the early 80's you would know this stuff. Apparently you were sleeping through 'the birth of PC.'

Comment Re:And so this is Costco's fault? (Score 2) 440

Not hardly. My favorite peanut butter these days is Smuckers Natural Chunky. It has salt in it, but otherwise just peanuts. And Smuckers is most definitely not an 'indy' peanut butter producer.

Years ago I liked the bulk peanut butter at food co-ops but I no longer live in a city with food co-ops, and there was always the risk with the bulk peanut butter that you'd get there after someone had scooped without stirring enough and you'd get very dry peanut butter minus most of the oil.

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