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Comment Have domain names outlived their usefulness? (Score 1) 124

My opinion is yes. It was a system that was never conceived to fairly handle millions of domain names. "First come first serve" sounds like a fair system, but in fact it is a poor system that encourages a land-rush mentality over something that essentially should be free. It is a false commodity that is being perpetuated by early adopters (and ICANN of course) and should be deprecated. No one should control domain names, they should be done away with entirely. If I am looking for "Bob's Deli in Washington DC", I'd rather just have a search engine figure out what I meant instead of having to remember some lame domain name like "" because THIS Bob's Deli was the umpteenth deli to try to register the same domain name. Might as well just remember an IP address at that point.

Comment I blame US (Score 1) 769

The average TV viewer in the US has about a five minute attention span thus are only interested in the highlight-reel moments. I don't blame our media for creating an oversupply of useless, sensationalist drivel, they are simply responding with what they think WE want. Obviously, we want more TMZ! You know - the stuff that really matters. If I want any real analysis of world events, I'll just turn on The Daily Show.

Submission + - Melbourne college may give iPad to every student ( 1

daria42 writes: "It looks like Apple's hyped iPad tablet may find a functional use beyond the early technology adopter set. In Australia, a Melbourne University college recently completed a trial where a limited number of students were given an iPad to aid in their studies. The outcome? The college has now recommended every student be given one of the Apple devices, following in the footsteps of the University of Adelaide, which is handing out iPads to every first year science student. Sure beats lugging around the old textbooks!"

Comment You know what is worse? (Score 1) 235

There are many adults that have spell check, and don't use it. If Oregon is giving them tests on a computer, fine, then grade them on that medium. If they fail to USE the spell check functionality, just fail them, or at least seriously penalize them on any test. I know that my spelling ability has degraded since I was in school simply because my process has changed to typing as fast as possible and then editing, not thinking about each letter as a type it so that red underlines won't appear. This leads to some sloppiness that has to be cleaned up after the initial pass, but it is WAY more productive for me than torturing myself over the spelling of some words, like I would if I were writing it out with a pen. If I had pen out an entire essay now, it would probably take me three or four times as long, at minimum. People use computers now, spell checking functions are built into almost all document editors, and no employer cares how you produce an error-free document as long as you do. These are high school students on the cusp of adulthood, not 3rd graders. It is way better to judge them on real word standards, not academic standards that have outlived their usefulness.

Submission + - Brain damage from game violence proved in study ( 2

Xemu writes: A team of brain researchers at Sweden's Karolinska Institutet warns that a newly published compilation of more than one hundred scientific studies — based on over 130,000 individuals — show a strong connection between violent computer games and aggressive behavior and decreased empathy.

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