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Comment Re:Saving $19.2M over the first eight (Score 1) 349

Minus the cost of the fancy new photography equipment, no doubt owned by a politically connected supplier. You DO know that a million people a year fail to pay, are photographed, and can't be contacted because of rules protecting officers of the court, parole officers, teachers, blah blah blah. So they're written off. And don't forget the cost of all those mailings, at $1/toll, unless you can pay through PayPal, and have your account hacked by the slugs at the DMV... and then it'll just happen to turn out to be too expensive, and the toll will have to be raised to handle the corruption.

Comment Re:When this happens to the US or its allies (Score 1) 406

Can't believe the level of chauvinistic stupidity here. You think there aren't any containers with nukes en route to San Diego or Miami? Are you SURE? Because if you miss your guess, radioactive fallout would cover the USA, dimwit. Look at the prevailing winds. Have you noticed that storms in San Diego tend northeast? You do NOT want to bluster around these days. China might be storing bombs IN San Diego. They control a lot of property there, and lead for shielding is cheap. As for Israel, they seriously do not want any war there at all. They're strong, but a tiny area, and there are many enemies. STOP thinking bombs and missiles. They're last century. Think power lines, diseases, panic. supply lines for food, etcetera. You saw the way the USA came apart after 9/11. You think we're any psychologically stronger with no enemy in sight, just a cloud of nukedust coming? As the man said, we'd be surfing a wave of fear pee.

Comment Re: Julian Assange as Osama Bin Laden (Score 1) 193

In "Conspiracy as Government" Julian Assange says his intent is to slow down and confuse the conspirators, so their grip on the population is lessened. Sounds like he's triggered an absolute firestorm of stupidly repetitive documents flying around, confusing the Department of Homeland Security. Being retired, I read the whole thing, which can be summed up as "Be more careful with data, DAMMIT!!" Mission Accomplished, Julian! Hope you survive!

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We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
