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Word 2007 Flaws Are Features, Not Bugs 411

PetManimal writes "Mati Aharoni's discovery of three flaws in Word using a fuzzer (screenshots) has been discounted by Microsoft, which claims that the crashes and malformed Word documents are a feature of Word, not a bug. Microsoft's Security Response Center is also refusing to classify the flaws as security problems. According to Microsoft developer David LeBlanc, crashes aren't necessarily DoS situations: 'You may rightfully say that crashing is always bad, and having a server-class app background, I agree. Crashing means you made a mistake, bad programmer, no biscuit. However, crashing may be the lesser of the evils in many places. In the event that our apps crash, we have recovery mechanisms, ways to report the crash so we know what function had the problem, and so on. I really take issue with those who would characterize a client-side crash as a denial of service.' Computerworld's Frank Hayes responds to LeBlanc and questions Microsoft's logic.'"

Submission + - Jumping to Conclusions on BIOS, Phoenix & Wind

tomlasusa writes: In a post on LinuxQuestions.org, user "chessonly" cites a 2003 article from Networkcomputing.com by writer Steven J. Schuchart as evidence of that Phoenix Technologies Technologies has made its BIOS more Windows-friendly — thereby locking out users from using other OSs. In a rebuttal posted at NWC.com, Shuchart says that this is just not true. http://www.networkcomputing.com/blog/dailyblog/arc hives/2007/04/jumping_to_conc.html

Feed Satellite Images Aid Implementation Of Agricultural Reforms (sciencedaily.com)

An ESA-backed project has demonstrated how Earth observation satellites can assist in the cross compliance measures -- a set of environmental and animal welfare standards that farmers have to respect to receive full funding from the European Union -- included in the 2003 reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy.

Feed Childhood Obesity Among Quebec Cree Raises Concerns (sciencedaily.com)

Childhood obesity is increasing among the general population in Canada, but the statistics are even more alarming among First Nations, Inuit and Métis children. Researchers found that up to 65 percent of Cree preschoolers in northern Quebec communities were overweight or obese.

Feed Ancient Coral Reef Tells The History Of Kenya's Soil Erosion (sciencedaily.com)

Coral reefs, like tree rings, are natural archives of climate change. But oceanic corals also provide a faithful account of how people make use of land through history, says Stanford University scientist Robert B. Dunbar. In a recent study, Dunbar and his colleagues used coral samples from the Indian Ocean to create a 300-year record of soil erosion in Kenya.

Submission + - Palm's Linux news: too little, too late?

An anonymous reader writes: Linux.com has an analysis of what Palm's soon-to-be-released Linux-based handheld devices mean for the mobile computing niche. While end-users are happy overall, they say they've heard the news before and will believe it when they see it. Analysts aren't overly impressed either, and at least one says Palm has a lot of catching up to do if they plan to muscle Windows-based devices out of the way.

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