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Comment This is borderline ridiculous (Score 5, Insightful) 311

The way this is written is so absurdly biased; if you want to promote Android devices, just come out and say it. Don't use some arbitrary statistic to promote your agenda. That's like blaming the former CEO of Lexus for making a desirable vehicle that is prone to theft as a result of its desirability or popularity.

Comment This has been fixed (Score 4, Informative) 596

People are casually forgetting that Google introduced the option to DRM your apps with Jelly Bean and beyond. This is a problem that has essentially been fixed, especially as manufacturers roll out the new version of Android (which is the real problem with Android: that might never happen in the case of many phones). It's a year out probably before lots of people are actually running Jelly Bean, but the process has begun.

Comment Re:No shit (Score 1) 402

Was just sharing a personal experience. It seems to me that you had more of an aspie meltdown than anyone. Maybe try the same benzos I take? They're great for keeping you calm and making you way less of a prick. Be well, you cocksucker.

Comment No shit (Score 1) 402

At the risk of sounding like a pretentious prick, I had exceptional scores on tests, got invited to gifted and talented programs, and scored near-genius levels when I had a [real, not online] IQ test conducted as a child. Also I'M CRAZY AS SHIT. I take a mood stabilizer, an antidepressant, a benzodiazepine (3x day on the benzos, for serious) and Ritalin. Fortunately through the miracle of modern pharmaceuticals, I'm a somewhat healthy productive citizen, but it is hard. Even still my mind races with worst case scenarios, etc. and I always find new and and ever increasingly inventive ways to throw my brain into a frenzy over something completely stupid or erroneous; it's typically shit I can't control. Just saying is all... Forgive my self-absorption.

Comment Breaking the device high score... (Score 1) 374

- MacBook Pro
- iMac
- Gaming PC
- Wii
- PS3
- Home server (ssh, torrents, etc.)
- 2x Network attached storage devices
- Girlfriend's MacBook Pro
- Girlfriend's iPhone
- Girlfriends iPad
- My iPad
- My iPhone
- My HTC Desire Z
- 2X GoogleTV
- VoIP stuff
- DD-WRT Router
- HP Touchpad
- Probably even more shit I can't remember

I have problems.

Comment I'm really worried about the future of Microsoft (Score 1) 645

Ballmer consistently and repeatedly talks out of his ass. Somebody needs to put a lid on this guy because the company is clearly directionless with him at the helm. I've used Windows Phone and it is indeed polished and a step in the right direction, but with this guy running the show, who knows what the fuck is going to happen. He has a history of making delusional, sensational claims that ultimately make him look like a crybaby who is ill-equipped to actually compete. If Windows Phone would have come out and been feature complete at the beginning, more people would have bought it and we likely wouldn't be having this argument. Windows Phone 7 itself is solid, but the market has decided. There are two clear winners: Android and iOS. Of note, I am an iOS AND Android user. I have an iPad and a Xoom, a G2 and an iPhone 4S. I am not loyal to one platform. I love the polish and reliability of iOS and the open nature of Android. This is not me advocating any platform in particular, just me pointing out that Ballmer is an asshat and it was a poor decision to put him in charge.

Comment There's a reason for this (Score 1) 382

Typically organizations will bring in a consultant when they have a short-term problem that they want to solve, or just need extra hands for a big project. Now even though they're paying their contractors "twice" what they pay their employees, they are only getting money. Working as a contractor means you don't get health insurance plans, retirement, etc. Additionally, you're only bringing these folks in for (hopefully) a limited period of time, after which time they move on. So really in the end, it's pretty close to being the same money-wise. Maybe this "watchdog" group should watch something meaningful. Everyone knows contractors make a bunch of money, but there's more to it than just the money.

Comment I think it's a splendid idea (Score 1) 126

There's actually a lot to be gained from taking from and contributing to open source. There are so many great products out there based on open source software. Red Hat is poised to be a billion dollar company this year, and Apple's growth has been meteoric after the rise of OS X and iOS, both of which have kernels rooted in open source. Even though a lot of these big companies have evil tendencies, a commitment to open source can be a healthy way to integrate robust technologies without having to spend a fortune developing something new and proprietary which could ultimately fail anyway. Additionally, it gives something back to the enthusiast community, and many freelance open source contributors get to sharpen their skills as a hobby at home, which makes them valuable to the companies for which they work (mostly high-tech sector). It's a win-win for everyone and I'm excited to see another company realize the value of open source.

Comment We are living in a very unnatural world (Score 2) 542

First off, not all of the drugs listed are antipsychotics. Second, a lot of people need these drugs. Humans have evolved to wake up with the sun, and go to sleep not too long after sunset. Now we stay up all night. Naturally, that's going to make you a little bit crazy. 10,000 years ago, we didn't eat lots of carbs or ingest loads of chemicals, we ate natural fruits, veggies, and meat. Most of us now don't have to worry about hunting or foraging, and now that the desperate struggle for survival is over for many of us, we have time to look inward and think about thoughts and emotions. I don't know about you guys, but any time I have time to look inward and deal with emotions, I go a little bit bananas. That's why we need an unnatural solution in many cases to help us cope with this incredibly unnatural world. It's not worth freaking out over; take a Xanax and chill :-).

Comment Re:RIP, Thunderbolt. (Score 1) 437

And like Firewire-400 and USB. Remember, Apple was the first to come out with those as well and a big driving force behind their adoption. Never count Apple out. At this point, if they want to make something into a standard, they will whether you like it or not. HTML5 video anyone? Nobody cared before the iPad.

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