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Comment Re:200 channels... (Score 1) 340

I believe a la carte is the future

Yes, a la carte *individual programs*, not channels. I too have a kajillion channels, and I don't watch 17 of them. Rather, I pick and choose the programs I want to watch in the channels that have a vague chance of not sucking 100% of the time.

But then, since I happen to like documentaries better than movies or shows, I already have a la carte programs - it's called Youtube...

Comment These days I think it's safe to assume (Score 4, Interesting) 57

The NSA has its grubby little paws everywhere. Whether the company is in bed with them willingly is another matter.

I know a many European business owners who think twice or more before doing business with *any* US company, just because the US surveillance state isn't far behind.

Comment Welcome to the 21st century (Score 5, Insightful) 259

where you can find TV set the size of the Berlin wall with a resolution so high you can't see the pixels up close, so thin they can be hung on the wall and look like paintings, able to display movies in 3D, almost affordable by ordinary people, and that display content controlled by cartels who decide who can watch what, where, how and for how much, like in the middle ages.

Comment Flying experience (Score 5, Funny) 239

What I get out of this story is that, if you're lucky enough to survive the trip in the wheel well, it's much more convenient to travel this way than doing it the regular way: no queuing, no overcharging from the airlines, no restrictions on the amounts of liquids you can carry, no getting your gonads showered with x-rays, no groping from TSA perverts... and of course, no arbitrary, secret no-fly list that prevents you from boarding the plane in the first place.

The airport security theater almost makes me want to risk my life as a stowaway.

Comment Re:Kudos, Bill (Score 1) 140

Glad to see there's someone out there that cares about privacy and is looking to do something about it!

Unless this was irony, no: Bill Gates doesn't care about privacy. He cares about profits.

All I see here is one company - Google - bringing misery to people with their surveillance equipment in disguise, and an individual trying to profit from the coming backlash. All in all, both are out to profit from you, but none have your interests at heart.

Comment Re:Not getting funded. (Score 0) 157

Flying cars are technically possible.

Flying cars however are not desirable for everyday drivers: they have a hard enough time managing 2 dimensions, we don't need them to occupy a third. So unless they're fully automatic in flight mode (with manual control disabled), flying cars can only be flown by trained pilot.

The market for pilots who want a plane that turns into a car is very small. That's why flying cars won't happen - not enough money in it.

Comment Re:Medical doctor (Score 4, Funny) 737


I'm an EE. If the grid goes down and I've got carte blanche, I could get some semblance of electricity up and running in under a week. (Which would enable you to plug in your standard appliances.) I could get solar USB chargers working in the same time frame.

First you get the electricity, then you get the... power... uh... then you get the wom... can I start over?

I know how to make beer.

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