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Comment Re:I will never understand (Score 1) 104

Patent trolls, on the other hand... yeah, they should pay. Not only pay, but pay triple as punishment. Patent trolls are generally the exception... they just make the news a lot more often.

Trouble is, the real patent troll can't be made to pay. In case you're wondering, the real patent troll is the one that granted, not holds, the meaningless patent.

If there was anyone responsible for, and profiting from the whole patent mess, it is the patent office for granting all those frivolous patents and pocketing the fees while letting us pay the court costs, and even worse the opportunity costs of people too terrified of patents to do anything.

Comment Re:I will never understand (Score 2) 104

I will never understand why the loser doesn't pay the winner's fees.

That would be naturally anti-balanced. Consider that the person who spent the most is likelier to win (even wrongly), and similarly that would mean a terrible expenditure on the part of the loser, who would lose both his case and the tremendous legal fees of the winner. The tenancy would then be for both sides to spend all their money on the case, and for the lose to go bankrupt.

Ideally, the legal system should have the following traits:
There should be a significant disadvantage for the aggressor, to discourage frivolous or non-frivolous but unnecessary lawsuits.
It should not be too difficult nor risky for someone who was clearly harmed by another, to take legal action against them.
The outcome should not be unduly influenced by money nor status. The less wealthy party should not face undue risk of losing, nor the more wealthy undue risk of being taken advantage of.
Those clearly innocent should not be unduly harmed by the trial, the clearly guilty should not be able to get off with a meaningless punishment.
The process should not be illegal. No violations of the Constitution, no perjury/parallel construction, no bribes/campaign contributions/threats of absurd punishment if one doesn't plead guilty

Comment Re:Nice idea but... (Score 2) 299

I do understand the solar industry, that's why I fliped two big middle fingers to them and bought and imported all china solar panels and installed a 5Kwh setup for drastically cheaper than any of the overpriced US crap.

Spent 1/2 the price got the same panels all monocrystalline and of very good quality build. It's been in operation for 3 years now with no problems. I use grid intertie and drive the meter backwards. No local storage.

Electrical bill is $14.95 a month because you have to pay the "fees" and the scumbag leaders in my states government passed a law that allows the power company to not pay for any surplus I generate above my own use.

Comment Dear Musk. (Score 1) 299

Offer a package with solar panels so we can get off the grid with no maintenance that a typical solar+wind offgrid setup requires.

Most people can barely change the batteries in their TV remote, they cant handle the work involved in taking care of an offgrid power system. Been there done that.

Comment Re:Common sense here folks (Score 1) 118

Medicine has yet to repair a spinal cord injury, but there are people out there who believe some doctor's going to perform a head transplant? Really?

Possibly. One of the problems with spinal injuries is scar tissue formation, and another nerve elongation (or lack thereof). But with a head transplant, the surgeon could leave extra spinal cord on one or both pieces, and then reduce to the proper length in whatever manner is best for reattachment.

Of course, I fully expect the patient to be paralyzed from the neck down, followed shortly by death. Most likely death before the new body is attached or consciousness regained. Cryonics seems like a safer gamble.

Comment Re:This never works (Score 3, Insightful) 304

I have a 27 inch 2560x1440 monitor, with youtube 4k and test 4k media, I can tell the difference with 1080P vs 4K. Its a very big difference.

4K downsized to 1080P gives a great more detail, due to downsampling gives a higher detail, due to 1080P using 4 blocks with the same pixel, so 4k downsize, each 4 blocks are have a different pixel, its very noticeable. Chroma Sampling

Plus 60fps over 30fps YT is very noticeable, so thats another technology I want to see take off.

Also have a HDTV that is a normal 1080P HD tv, works great, yet i can tell the difference due to the low encoding rate on movies and the much higher on sports. Sports look absolutely amazing, none, none of the HD Prime movie channels are selling true blue ray quality tv. Comcast is ripping people off.

So do I want 4k? Hell, I want as fine pixels per inch as you can get, with the bandwidth to push it. We are no where a 50 inch tv running a high PPI, going to be a few decades away,which is a shame.

Comment Re:systemd, eh? (Score 1) 494

Actually better than normal. a slackware install is at least two orders of magnitude faster than Ubuntu.

I've moved back to slackware for ham radio use, I got tired of fighting with the 6 different audio systems, 40 different places to put config files, etc...

OSS and /etc with a custom kernel. Boot time on my field Ham radio PSK31 CF-18 toughbook is 6 seconds (Yes to an Xf86 login). with Xubuntu it was 45 seconds.

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