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Comment Re:Computer Science students (Score 1) 606

I'm an expert observer of my own environment, and have noticed that now that they're built into every phone OS it's been a decade since I was more than a few steps from the nearest calculator.

What value does being able to rattle off the old times table have when you're sitting in front of a computer (with a calculator app), with a smartphone in your pocket (ditto), and probably a desk calculator with some vendor's logo on it (since they're about $0.99 in bulk)?

Comment Re:Remember TEMPEST? (Score 1) 264

Right, but all the sound reveals is whether the CPU is busy or idle (or more likely, how much current it's drawing). Adding random-length pauses exactly at the steps where knowing whether the CPU goes idle leaks part of the key would break this sort of listening attack.

With multi-core processors it might even be possible to mask the sound by starting up another thread to do useless work that sounds like encryption but isn't...

Comment Re:Why is Google not a telecom? (Score 1) 291

Because eventually they will. But when they do, they'll be a monopoly that's in the business of selling gigabit+ symmetric connections at a price mere private individuals can afford.

"Home" service from the current monopolies top out around 100 Mbits down and 10 up, and they show no sign of wanting to push those top speeds up, probably out of fear of cannibalizing the huge margins on their $250+/month "business" lines.

Submission + - Winamp shutting down as of December 20, 2013 (

Cid Highwind writes: If you want to download the latest version of Winamp, better do it soon. According to a new banner on the download page, AOL will be pulling the plug on the iconic llama-whipping music player in a month.

" and associated web services will no longer be available past December 20, 2013. Additionally, Winamp Media players will no longer be available for download. Please download the latest version before that date. See release notes for latest improvements to this last release.
Thanks for supporting the Winamp community for over 15 years."

Comment Not Unix (Score 4, Informative) 21

It's something else altogether, originally it was a project to put a multitasking kernel, TCP/IP stack, GUI, and web browser on a Commodore 64, and has since gone in a mesh networking internet-of-things sort of direction.
There was a Slashdot article on the original desktop-oriented release, but the links are all dead.

Comment Re:No Problem. (Score 1) 231

Under Renault's scheme, you don't own the battery, just the frame

The worst of both worlds! In 5 years, instead of a car that's hard to sell because potential buyers don't know the condition of the battery, you'll have a car that's impossible to drive or sell because the battery was returned to Renault after the lease ended.

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