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Comment No Wii U or 3DS either (Score 1) 233

Amazon sells both the PS4 and Xbox One but not the Wii U, maybe Nintendo should sue them? I really don't see how Amazon should be required by law to sell any device it doesn't want to. I don't see any violation of race, religion or sexual orientation or age or anything else, it' just electronics. Target stopped selling Amazon Fire tablets a couple of years ago, don't recall anybody getting their panties in a bunch.

Submission + - $27 Minecraft has no phone support? (mojang.com)

rjejr writes: My son received a $26.95 PC Mincecraft card for his birthday in Jan 2015. Yesterday afternoon he tried to log in but but the account wouldn't let him. On his AT launcher program there was another users name xxLucasGamerBrxx where his should be. His email also had several strange "Thanks for singing up emails" in his in box. So apparently somebody figured out his password, changed it and the email, ie stole his account. But that's not my real problem, which is Minecraft has been around for several years, $26.95 on PC, $6.95 on phones and tablets, $20 on home consoles. Microsoft just paid $2.5 Billion for Mojang and Minecraft. But there is no help phone number. Not even a web chat. I was on the phone with 4 different people at Microsoft for an hour and they all acted like they had never even heard of the game. This is ridiculous. This isn't some free web browser flash game crashing, it's a $27 game owned by Microsoft and there is only email help which doesn't have as much as an autoreply.
I know he isn't the first Minecraft user to have his account stolen, how does Microsoft avoid this without getting in trouble with the BBB or somebody? Can anybody please help?

Comment Well that might explain it (Score 1) 275

I'd been using uTorrent for about a year or 2 now but the past few weekso the downloads have been super slow, regardless of the number of seeders leechers, time of day, anything, that made sense. This might make sense. And how many Chinese and Russian women do I really need to date anyway? Thanks to all the suggestions, I'll uninstall and try qbittorrent on Monday.

Comment I'm no expert (Score 1) 36

I'm not sure what the difference is between these trackers and Kick@ss and TPB, or clicking on the little magnet as opposed to all the other options, but I hope somebody is monitoring the before and after effect of Time Warners upcoming HBO Go Solo or whatever they'll be calling the stand alone service. Should be interesting to see if anybody decides to pay for GoT. Of course I'm sure it will be US only so the rest of the world will still be getting GoT by any means necessary. Just hope it comes online before April 12.

Comment Re:Not underwhelms, a little off predicted target. (Score 3, Insightful) 397

Western Suffolk. Just spent over an hour shoveling over a foot of snow out of my driveway. The whiners can SHOVE IT, WE GOT OUR FREAKIN' BLIZZARD. A huge monstrous storm did exactly what they said, but it was 35 miles east of where they said. A storm that was probably over 300 miles long and 75 miles wide barely missed it's target. It was real, it happened, it's still happening in New England Tuesday afternoon. Landfall was a little off, that's it, not underwhelming, not a conspiracy, a little off the predicted model tract.

Comment Re:LOL! Firefox has 10% of the market! (Score 1) 400

Been using Dolphin for 3 years on my Tab 2 and Tab 4, Chrome never worked right for me though it's my PC browser on desktop, latop and Netbook. Yes, I still use my Asus EEE on occasion. The new Dolphin home screen stays put as well, why does Google have to keep shuffling everything, are they big LMFAO fans?

Comment Nintendo has never made a 1080p/60FPS game (Score 2) 338

"Many Nintendo games run in 1080p and 60 frames/second on the Wii U" What are these many you speak of? There's 1, Rayman, which BTW isn't even made by Nintendo, which is 1080p/60FPS on all the home consoles. Mario Kart 8 is 720p/59 output at 1080p. WW HD was Bayonetta 2 is 720p and SSB U isn't even out yet so who knows what it'll be. I played the Bayonetta 2 demo today and it looked freakin' awesome regardless.

Comment Candy Crush Saga on the desktop!! (Score 2) 101

So I can finally play Candy Crush on my PC ;-) Kidding aside, I wouldnt mind Angry Birds Epic on my PC, and wouldnt this make loads more money for companies like Gung Ho who were raking it in w/ Puzzle and Dragons and now can code once but have everyone with a PC spending money on their games? Seems like win-win to me, IF IF IF it works properly.

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