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Comment Great way to teach children (Score 2) 148

Cameron is just trying to motivate the young to learn technology. Tell a 12 year old boy his reward is porn and he'll learn how to bypass those filters in no time flat.

I've always thought about doing something similar with my own kid. Steadily increase the completeness of the filters until he has taught himself how to get around all of them. As of now, he's more interested in Elmo.

Stage 1 - Proxy Settings
Stage 2 - DNS filters
Stage 3 - Net Nanny
Stage 4 - Deep packet at the router level
Stage 5 - ?

Comment Re:Is this legal? (Score 1) 243

Nope, a few projects have done this. I can think of ExtJS, Boxee, pChart, and I'm sure tons more.

Apparently, assuming you were the original author of the software, you can switch to any license you want. You just can't retroactively apply it to version past. IMHO, it does seem like stealing from the people that gave their time for free to contribute to the software.

Comment video games and stability (Score 1) 1215

Windows still just works. I've tried really hard to make the switch and can't.

Steam (or video card drivers?) still isn't good enough to get me to make the switch. I have a pretty recent AMD card that gets around 300fps on Windows with the recommended settings. The radeon xorg driver gets 30-40fps with terrible jitter and fglrx has too many bugs in general to make much use of. I've done a lot of searching and tried many things, nothing helped much.

I have wireless usb headphones and, for some reason, they really only work well in Ubuntu with Unity. As much as I hate Unity (it's un-user friendly, buggy mess), it's the only DE that allows me to easily select that output and has support for the volume wheel on the headset. I've tried several of the popular distros and DEs. As an example, the volume wheel works in Mageia, but it kicks me out of full screen mode. I can't even select the headset output through other DE's like Cinnamon or MATE.

Comment Accountability (Score 1) 353

The general mindset on checked baggage today is you don't check anything that's remotely valuable. I've had a GPS stolen and a nephew had a handheld Nintendo stolen out of checked baggage by the TSA. How do I know it was the TSA? In this case, both were caught months later after stealing thousands of dollars worth of stuff. They were only caught because of the scale at which they were taking items. What if it was only an item or two? Why do I have cameras pointed at me at all times while they get to go through my stuff unchecked?

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